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package speiger.src.collections.PACKAGE.utils;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.concurrent.RecursiveAction;
import speiger.src.collections.PACKAGE.functions.COMPARATOR;
import speiger.src.collections.utils.SanityChecks;
import java.util.Comparator;
public class ARRAYS
public static final KEY_TYPE[] EMPTY_ARRAY = new KEY_TYPE[0];
public static CLASS_TYPE[] wrap(KEY_TYPE[] a) {
return wrap(a, 0, a.length);
public static CLASS_TYPE[] wrap(KEY_TYPE[] a, int length) {
return wrap(a, 0, length);
public static CLASS_TYPE[] wrap(KEY_TYPE[] a, int offset, int length) {
SanityChecks.checkArrayCapacity(a.length, offset, length);
CLASS_TYPE[] result = new CLASS_TYPE[length];
for(int i = offset;i<length;i++)
result[i] = KEY_TO_OBJ(a[i]);
return result;
public static KEY_TYPE[] unwrap(CLASS_TYPE[] a) {
return unwrap(a, 0, a.length);
public static KEY_TYPE[] unwrap(CLASS_TYPE[] a, int length) {
return unwrap(a, 0, length);
public static KEY_TYPE[] unwrap(CLASS_TYPE[] a, int offset, int length) {
SanityChecks.checkArrayCapacity(a.length, offset, length);
KEY_TYPE[] result = new KEY_TYPE[length];
for(int i = offset;i<length;i++)
result[i] = OBJ_TO_KEY(a[i]);
return result;
public static final Object[] EMPTY_ARRAY = new Object[0];
public static KEY_GENERIC_TYPE KEY_TYPE[] newArray(Class<KEY_TYPE> clz, int length) {
if(clz == Object.class) return (KEY_TYPE[])new Object[length];
return (KEY_TYPE[]) java.lang.reflect.Array.newInstance(clz, length);
public static GENERIC_BRACES void insertionSort(KEY_TYPE[] array, COMPARATOR KEY_GENERIC_TYPE comp) {
insertionSort(array, 0, array.length, comp);
public static GENERIC_BRACES void insertionSort(KEY_TYPE[] array, int length, COMPARATOR KEY_GENERIC_TYPE comp) {
insertionSort(array, 0, length, comp);
public static GENERIC_BRACES void insertionSort(KEY_TYPE[] array, int from, int to, COMPARATOR KEY_GENERIC_TYPE comp) {
for (int i = from+1;i<to; i++) {
KEY_TYPE current = array[i];
int j = i - 1;
while(j >= from && comp.compare(current, array[j]) < 0) {
array[j+1] = array[j--];
array[j+1] = current;
public static COMPAREABLE_BRACES void insertionSort(KEY_TYPE[] array) {
insertionSort(array, 0, array.length);
public static COMPAREABLE_BRACES void insertionSort(KEY_TYPE[] array, int length) {
insertionSort(array, 0, length);
public static COMPAREABLE_BRACES void insertionSort(KEY_TYPE[] array, int from, int to) {
for (int i = from+1;i<to; i++) {
KEY_TYPE current = array[i];
int j = i - 1;
while(j >= from && COMPARE_TO(current, array[j]) < 0) {
array[j+1] = array[j--];
array[j+1] = current;
public static GENERIC_BRACES void selectionSort(KEY_TYPE[] array, COMPARATOR KEY_GENERIC_TYPE comp) {
selectionSort(array, 0, array.length, comp);
public static GENERIC_BRACES void selectionSort(KEY_TYPE[] array, int length, COMPARATOR KEY_GENERIC_TYPE comp) {
selectionSort(array, 0, length, comp);
public static GENERIC_BRACES void selectionSort(KEY_TYPE[] array, int from, int to, COMPARATOR KEY_GENERIC_TYPE comp) {
for (int i = from; i < to; i++) {
KEY_TYPE min = array[i];
int minId = i;
for(int j = i+1; j < to; j++) {
if(comp.compare(array[j], min) < 0) {
min = array[j];
minId = j;
KEY_TYPE temp = array[i];
array[i] = min;
array[minId] = temp;
public static COMPAREABLE_BRACES void selectionSort(KEY_TYPE[] array) {
selectionSort(array, 0, array.length);
public static COMPAREABLE_BRACES void selectionSort(KEY_TYPE[] array, int length) {
selectionSort(array, 0, length);
public static COMPAREABLE_BRACES void selectionSort(KEY_TYPE[] array, int from, int to) {
for (int i = from; i < to; i++) {
KEY_TYPE min = array[i];
int minId = i;
for(int j = i+1; j < to; j++) {
if(COMPARE_TO(array[j], min) < 0) {
min = array[j];
minId = j;
KEY_TYPE temp = array[i];
array[i] = min;
array[minId] = temp;
public static GENERIC_BRACES void mergeSort(KEY_TYPE[] array, COMPARATOR KEY_GENERIC_TYPE comp) {
mergeSort(array, null, 0, array.length, comp);
public static GENERIC_BRACES void mergeSort(KEY_TYPE[] array, int length, COMPARATOR KEY_GENERIC_TYPE comp) {
mergeSort(array, null, 0, length, comp);
public static GENERIC_BRACES void mergeSort(KEY_TYPE[] array, KEY_TYPE[] supp, int from, int to, COMPARATOR KEY_GENERIC_TYPE comp) {
if(to - from < 16) {
insertionSort(array, from, to, comp);
if(supp == null) supp = Arrays.copyOf(array, to);
int mid = (from + to) >>> 1;
mergeSort(supp, array, from, mid, comp);
mergeSort(supp, array, mid, to, comp);
if(comp.compare(supp[mid - 1], supp[mid]) <= 0)
System.arraycopy(supp, from, array, from, to - from);
for(int p = from, q = mid;from < to;from++) {
if(q >= to || p < mid && comp.compare(supp[p], supp[q]) < 0) array[from] = supp[p++];
else array[from] = supp[q++];
public static COMPAREABLE_BRACES void mergeSort(KEY_TYPE[] array) {
mergeSort(array, null, 0, array.length);
public static COMPAREABLE_BRACES void mergeSort(KEY_TYPE[] array, int length) {
mergeSort(array, null, 0, length);
public static COMPAREABLE_BRACES void mergeSort(KEY_TYPE[] array, KEY_TYPE[] supp, int from, int to) {
if(to - from < 16) {
insertionSort(array, from, to);
if(supp == null) supp = Arrays.copyOf(array, to);
int mid = (from + to) >>> 1;
mergeSort(supp, array, from, mid);
mergeSort(supp, array, mid, to);
if(COMPARE_TO(supp[mid - 1], supp[mid]) <= 0)
System.arraycopy(supp, from, array, from, to - from);
for(int p = from, q = mid;from < to;from++) {
if(q >= to || p < mid && COMPARE_TO(supp[p], supp[q]) < 0) array[from] = supp[p++];
else array[from] = supp[q++];
public static GENERIC_BRACES void memFreeMergeSort(KEY_TYPE[] array, COMPARATOR KEY_GENERIC_TYPE comp) {
memFreeMergeSort(array, 0, array.length, comp);
public static GENERIC_BRACES void memFreeMergeSort(KEY_TYPE[] array, int length, COMPARATOR KEY_GENERIC_TYPE comp) {
memFreeMergeSort(array, 0, length, comp);
public static GENERIC_BRACES void memFreeMergeSort(KEY_TYPE[] array, int from, int to, COMPARATOR KEY_GENERIC_TYPE comp) {
if(to - from < 16) {
insertionSort(array, from, to, comp);
int mid = (from + to) >>> 1;
memFreeMergeSort(array, from, mid, comp);
memFreeMergeSort(array, mid, to, comp);
if(comp.compare(array[mid - 1], array[mid]) <= 0)
for(int i = from, j = mid, compare;i < j && j < to;) {
if((compare = comp.compare(array[i], array[j])) < 0)
else if(compare == 0) swap(array, ++i, j);
else {
swap(array, i++, j);
int k = j;
for(;k < to - 1 && comp.compare(array[j], array[k + 1]) > 0;k++);
if(j == k)
KEY_TYPE value = array[j];
System.arraycopy(array, j + 1, array, j, k - j);
array[k] = value;
public static COMPAREABLE_BRACES void memFreeMergeSort(KEY_TYPE[] array) {
memFreeMergeSort(array, 0, array.length);
public static COMPAREABLE_BRACES void memFreeMergeSort(KEY_TYPE[] array, int length) {
memFreeMergeSort(array, 0, length);
public static COMPAREABLE_BRACES void memFreeMergeSort(KEY_TYPE[] array, int from, int to) {
if(to - from < 16) {
insertionSort(array, from, to);
int mid = (from + to) >>> 1;
memFreeMergeSort(array, from, mid);
memFreeMergeSort(array, mid, to);
if(COMPARE_TO(array[mid - 1], array[mid]) <= 0)
for(int i = from, j = mid, comp;i < j && j < to;) {
if((comp = COMPARE_TO(array[i], array[j])) < 0)
else if(comp == 0) swap(array, ++i, j);
else {
swap(array, i++, j);
int k = j;
for(;k < to - 1 && COMPARE_TO(array[j], array[k + 1]) > 0;k++);
if(j == k)
KEY_TYPE value = array[j];
System.arraycopy(array, j + 1, array, j, k - j);
array[k] = value;
public static GENERIC_BRACES void quickSort(KEY_TYPE[] array, COMPARATOR KEY_GENERIC_TYPE comp) {
quickSort(array, 0, array.length, comp);
public static GENERIC_BRACES void quickSort(KEY_TYPE[] array, int length, COMPARATOR KEY_GENERIC_TYPE comp) {
quickSort(array, 0, length, comp);
public static GENERIC_BRACES void quickSort(KEY_TYPE[] array, int from, int to, COMPARATOR KEY_GENERIC_TYPE comp) {
int length = to - from;
if(length <= 0) return;
if(length < 16) {
selectionSort(array, from, to, comp);
KEY_TYPE pivot = array[length > 128 ? subMedium(array, from, from + (length / 2), to - 1, length / 8, comp) : medium(array, from, from + (length / 2), to - 1, comp)];
int a = from, b = a, c = to - 1, d = c;
for(int compare;;swap(array, b++, c--)) {
for(;b<=c && (compare = comp.compare(array[b], pivot)) <= 0;b++) {
if(compare == 0) swap(array, a++, b);
for(;b>=c && (compare = comp.compare(array[c], pivot)) >= 0;c--) {
if(compare == 0) swap(array, c, d--);
if(b>c) break;
swap(array, from, b, Math.min(a - from, b - a));
swap(array, b, to, Math.min(d - c, to - d - 1));
if((length = b - a) > 1) quickSort(array, from, from + length, comp);
if((length = d - c) > 1) quickSort(array, to - length, to, comp);
public static COMPAREABLE_BRACES void quickSort(KEY_TYPE[] array) {
quickSort(array, 0, array.length);
public static COMPAREABLE_BRACES void quickSort(KEY_TYPE[] array, int length) {
quickSort(array, 0, length);
public static COMPAREABLE_BRACES void quickSort(KEY_TYPE[] array, int from, int to) {
int length = to - from;
if(length <= 0) return;
if(length < 16) {
selectionSort(array, from, to);
KEY_TYPE pivot = array[length > 128 ? subMedium(array, from, from + (length / 2), to - 1, length / 8) : medium(array, from, from + (length / 2), to - 1)];
int a = from, b = a, c = to - 1, d = c;
for(int comp = 0;;swap(array, b++, c--)) {
for(;b<=c && (comp = COMPARE_TO(array[b], pivot)) <= 0;b++) {
if(comp == 0) swap(array, a++, b);
for(;b>=c && (comp = COMPARE_TO(array[c], pivot)) >= 0;c--) {
if(comp == 0) swap(array, c, d--);
if(b>c) break;
swap(array, from, b, Math.min(a - from, b - a));
swap(array, b, to, Math.min(d - c, to - d - 1));
if((length = b - a) > 1) quickSort(array, from, from + length);
if((length = d - c) > 1) quickSort(array, to - length, to);
public static GENERIC_BRACES void swap(KEY_TYPE[] a, int from, int to) {
KEY_TYPE t = a[from];
a[from] = a[to];
a[to] = t;
static GENERIC_BRACES void swap(KEY_TYPE[] a, int from, int to, int length) {
to -= length;
for(int i = 0;i<length;i++,swap(a, from++, to++));
static GENERIC_BRACES int subMedium(KEY_TYPE[] data, int a, int b, int c, int length, COMPARATOR KEY_GENERIC_TYPE comp) {
return medium(data, medium(data, a, a + length, a + (length * 2), comp), medium(data, b - length, b, b + length, comp), medium(data, c - (length * 2), c - length, c, comp), comp);
static GENERIC_BRACES int medium(KEY_TYPE[] data, int a, int b, int c, COMPARATOR KEY_GENERIC_TYPE comp) {
return comp.compare(data[a], data[b]) < 0 ? (comp.compare(data[b], data[c]) < 0 ? b : comp.compare(data[a], data[c]) < 0 ? c : a) : (comp.compare(data[b], data[c]) > 0 ? b : comp.compare(data[a], data[c]) > 0 ? c : a);
static COMPAREABLE_BRACES int subMedium(KEY_TYPE[] data, int a, int b, int c, int length) {
return medium(data, medium(data, a, a + length, a + (length * 2)), medium(data, b - length, b, b + length), medium(data, c - (length * 2), c - length, c));
static COMPAREABLE_BRACES int medium(KEY_TYPE[] data, int a, int b, int c) {
return COMPARE_TO(data[a], data[b]) < 0 ? (COMPARE_TO(data[b], data[c]) < 0 ? b : COMPARE_TO(data[a], data[c]) < 0 ? c : a) : (COMPARE_TO(data[b], data[c]) > 0 ? b : COMPARE_TO(data[a], data[c]) > 0 ? c : a);
static class QuickSortAction KEY_COMPAREABLE_TYPE extends RecursiveAction {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 0L;
KEY_TYPE[] array;
int from;
int to;
QuickSortAction(KEY_TYPE[] array, int from, int to)
this.array = array;
this.from = from;
this.to = to;
protected void compute()
int length = to - from;
if(length <= 0) return;
if(length < 16) {
selectionSort(array, from, to);
KEY_TYPE pivot = array[length > 128 ? subMedium(array, from, from + (length / 2), to - 1, length / 8) : medium(array, from, from + (length / 2), to - 1)];
int a = from, b = a, c = to - 1, d = c;
for(int comp = 0;;swap(array, b++, c--)) {
for(;b<=c && (comp = COMPARE_TO(array[b], pivot)) <= 0;b++) {
if(comp == 0) swap(array, a++, b);
for(;b>=c && (comp = COMPARE_TO(array[c], pivot)) >= 0;c--) {
if(comp == 0) swap(array, c, d--);
if(b>c) break;
swap(array, from, b, Math.min(a - from, b - a));
swap(array, b, to, Math.min(d - c, to - d - 1));
if(b - a > 1 && d - c > 1) invokeAll(new QuickSortActionBRACES(array, from, from + (b - a)), new QuickSortActionBRACES(array, to - (d - c), to));
else if(b - a > 1) new QuickSortActionBRACES(array, from, from + (b - a)).invoke();
else if(d - c > 1) new QuickSortActionBRACES(array, to - (d - c), to).invoke();
static class QuickSortActionComp KEY_GENERIC_TYPE extends RecursiveAction {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 0L;
KEY_TYPE[] array;
int from;
int to;
QuickSortActionComp(KEY_TYPE[] array, int from, int to, COMPARATOR KEY_GENERIC_TYPE comp)
this.array = array;
this.from = from;
this.to = to;
this.comp = comp;
protected void compute()
int length = to - from;
if(length <= 0) return;
if(length < 16) {
selectionSort(array, from, to, comp);
KEY_TYPE pivot = array[length > 128 ? subMedium(array, from, from + (length / 2), to - 1, length / 8, comp) : medium(array, from, from + (length / 2), to - 1, comp)];
int a = from, b = a, c = to - 1, d = c;
for(int compare;;swap(array, b++, c--)) {
for(;b<=c && (compare = comp.compare(array[b], pivot)) <= 0;b++) {
if(compare == 0) swap(array, a++, b);
for(;b>=c && (compare = comp.compare(array[c], pivot)) >= 0;c--) {
if(compare == 0) swap(array, c, d--);
if(b>c) break;
swap(array, from, b, Math.min(a - from, b - a));
swap(array, b, to, Math.min(d - c, to - d - 1));
if(b - a > 1 && d - c > 1) invokeAll(new QuickSortActionCompBRACES(array, from, from + (b - a), comp), new QuickSortActionCompBRACES(array, to - (d - c), to, comp));
else if(b - a > 1) new QuickSortActionCompBRACES(array, from, from + (b - a), comp).invoke();
else if(d - c > 1) new QuickSortActionCompBRACES(array, to - (d - c), to, comp).invoke();