- Added: RandomGenerator support (Java17), though requires self
- Added: Optimizations for HashUtils next power of function.
- Added: toArray() now returns a cached empty array if the collection is
- Added: toArray function for AsyncBuilder
- Updated: SCG to version 1.2.2
-Changed: Classes that used Primitive Collections Functions now use Java functions if possible to increase compat.
-Changed: Started that functions go closer to javas naming sceme.
-Added: "Implementations" configuration to turn of all "Implementations" keeping the interfaces/wrappers/abstract classes. Reducing the amount of configurations that need to be set.
-Changed: removed "Sets/Maps/Lists" configuration and replaced it with "Wrappers" since they are wrappers.
-Changed: Category Specific settings (except "Enabled") is sorted by Name.
-Removed: BooleanSet classes are gone. (Unused anyways)
-Removed: Boolean2xMaps are also now gone. (Unused Anyways)
-Added: GlobalFlags that are shared across packages.
Each List implementation can be now turned off.
Or all Lists can be turned off.
ListIterator can't be turned of since it is a IndexBasedIterator and not
a List and a few implementation use them.
- Added: ISizeProvider interface (Optimization Helper)
- Added: ISizeProvider into most Iterable implementations
(Distinct/Filter/FlatMap/ArrayFlatMap don't support it, for obvious
- Added: ToArray function into Iterable which uses ISizeProvider to
reduce overhead of duplicating arrays.
- Fixed: putIfAbsent now replaces defaultValues
-Fixed: AbstractList/ImmutableList/ArraySet/ArrayMap skip/back implementation was causing crashes and didn't update the last returned value.
-Fixed: ArraySet/ArrayMap previous was not subtracting before returning value.
-Fixed: BidirectionalIterator back was calling the object variant instead of the TypeSpecific Variant.
-Fixed: TreeSets/Maps Iterator now fully supports backwards Iterating.
-Added: Specialized skip/back function to improve speed in ImmutableHashSet/LinkedHashSet/CustomLinkedHashSet
-Fixed: Maps.EmptyMap getOrDefault wasn't returning the default value.
-Fixed: Maps.UnmodifiableMap wasn't respecting the change of the DefaultReturnValue. (it has its own version of it so it doesn't break the rule of it, it wasn't returning the expected value.
-Added: A bunch of Methods for Unmodifiable/Empty maps that should fail right out but would still make it past a certain point. (Compute/Merge/Supply/etc)
-Fixed: CollectionWrapper.equals wasn't accounting for self.
-Fixed: MapWrapper.get didn't account for that it was a wrapper.
-Fixed: UnmodifiableMapWrapper was linking to synchronized maps due to a unknown reason.
-Added: UnmodifiableMapWrapper now has a lot more functions it right out says unsupported instead of indirect ways.
-Fixed: AbstractCollection.Iterator was changing the pointer before validating if the element was added. (ImmutableLists)
-Fixed: EmptyCollections containsAll should return true if it is compared against a emptyCollection.
-Fixed: HashCode/Equals for the Lists/Sets implementations.
-Changed: Iterators.wrap(Array) allows now dynamic arrays.
-Added: Array only sorting function return the inputed array. This was done to allow for static final references to use the method in one go without having to make lambda wrappers. Cleaner code.
-Fixed: Crash with FIFOQueues peek function when loops were applied.
-Fixed: FIFOQueues clean function was doing unessesary extra work.
-Added: Stream Overrides functions now support sorted.
-Updated: Changelog.
-Added: A couple more badges because why not.
- Added: OrderedMap/Set
- Added: All Relevant functions into Ordered interface
- Changed: Marked all Relevant SortedMap/Set functions Deprecated until
- Fixed: All code that was relevant to this
- Added: pour function directly into Iterable which allows to collect
all elements in the Iterable directly.
- Added: The new ToArray method from Java9 and newer into the library.
Using a functional interface. (Just a backport)
- Changed: Reworked how the Map Builder functions are created. They are
now in a SubClass that moves them out of the way. Less Clutter. (This
might break things if that was used before)
- Added: Map Builder that allows now to Build Maps like Guava
ImmutableMaps can be build. Note: This has a slight performance
- Added: Unmodifiable and Synchronize wrapper functions direclty into
Collection Interfaces. This is mostly a quality of life thing.
- Added: Unmodifiable and Synchronized Wrapper Collections can now be
cloned. They clone the underlying map which doesn't break functionality.
(Had a usecase for it)
- Added: A boxed putAll array variant.
- Fixed: EnumMaps didn't keep track of their size and now got proper
care and implementations as needed. There might be more work required
but at least the core functionality is now up to date.
- Fixed: Supplier get function wasn't referencing original function.
- Added: addIfPresent/Absent to lists
- Added: distinct, limit and peek iterators
- Added: Iterable's can now reduce its contents
- Fixed: ObjectArrayList.of was causing crashes because of a Poor
- Added: Unsorted HashMaps/Sets now throw Concurrent exceptions if they
were modified during a rehash.
- Added: Array/Collection version of enqueue and enqueueFirst to
- Added: fillBuffer function into PrimitiveLists which allow to optimize
JavaNio buffers if needed.
- Added: Wrapper now support the Optimized Lambda replacer functions to
improve performance.
- Added: FIFO Queue has now a minimum capacity and that is now checked
more consistently.
- Added: Changelog & Version Bump
-Added: New Changes to Changelog
-Fixed: Missing Autogenerated Type
-Cleanup: Gradle file got cleaned up from things it no longer needs.
-Changed: Upgraded to SCG 1.0.5 for incoming new features.