-Added: Empty/Synchronized/Unmodifiable Collections/Lists/Iterators
-Changed: ObjectCollections now have more bulk Methods
-Added: IArray for functions that would only apply to arrays.
-Changed: Build Task no longer Sync's because it is 9x slower and a File Builder never collides with another File Builder.
-Added: getEquals() function for faster compare builders.
-Changed: getNonClassType to getNonFileType()
-Added: New Rule to the Rule Sheet.
-Added: Regex Helper so recursion is supported
-Added: FunctionMapper that supports more then 1 argument.
-Changed: Injection & FunctionMapper support recursion-
-Added: Loads of Variables to the GlobalVariables as they were added for templates.
-Added: AbstractCollection, AbstractList, List, ListIterator, BidirectionalIterator, Arrays and ArrayList template.
- Added: Iterator
- Added: Iterable
- Fixed: Simple Mapper is always literal.
- Fixed: Conusmer bugs.
- Changed: Path designer is now a function.
- Removed: Cache from the repo. Not needed.
This is the initial commit with half of the parser implemented.
Code Replacement is still missing, on top of that Multithreaded parsing
is also missing. But that is going on its way soon TM
-Added: Template Parser Conditions.