Commit Graph

10 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Speiger 5e67e45910 Fixed failing tests/errors 2023-06-06 11:21:52 +02:00
Speiger ed9ce60af4 Small Fixes to doc and Useless Imports 2023-05-17 09:01:09 +02:00
Speiger 96458bd8b6 Changes:
- Added: RandomGenerator support (Java17), though requires self
- Added: Optimizations for HashUtils next power of function.
- Added: toArray() now returns a cached empty array if the collection is
- Added: toArray function for AsyncBuilder
- Updated: SCG to version 1.2.2
2022-12-16 18:17:51 +01:00
Speiger 127eb71968 Massive refactor.
-Changed: Classes that used Primitive Collections Functions now use Java functions if possible to increase compat.
-Changed: Started that functions go closer to javas naming sceme.
2022-12-14 18:32:04 +01:00
Speiger 8f7d49b280 Finished Function module and added breaking change. 2022-12-07 07:31:30 +01:00
Speiger 342b0cece9 Collection Module Works now. (Least Configurable for obvious Reasons) 2022-12-07 06:27:47 +01:00
Speiger cc87cae145 Implemented Lists can now be Disabled
Each List implementation can be now turned off.
Or all Lists can be turned off.
ListIterator can't be turned of since it is a IndexBasedIterator and not
a List and a few implementation use them.
2022-12-05 00:01:53 +01:00
Speiger ddc58ee221 Version 0.7.0 Release
- Added: Coverage Badge
- Updated: Changelog.
- Changed: Changelog now has info how to obtain the sourcecode.
- Added: Over 11 Million Unit Tests to this library to ensure quality.
- Added: ArrayList size constructor now throws IllegalStateException if
the size parameter is negative
- Added: EnumMap specialized forEach implementation.
- Added: AbstractMap.remove now delegates to its primitive counterpart.
- Added: ConcurrentHashMap now implements ITrimmable
- Refactor: Removed a lot of disabled code from ArraySet.
- Removed: LinkedList.addAll(index, List) now delegates to
LinkedList.addAll(index, Collection) due to no special optimization
- Fixed: AbstractList.SubList.get/set/swapRemove didn't calculate their
List index Properly
- Fixed: AbstractList.SubList chains now properly if you create SubLists
within SubLists.
- Fixed: AbstractList.Iterator.add now respects
- Fixed: AbstractList.Iterator.skip/back now keep track of the last
returned value for remove function to work properly.
- Fixed: CopyOnWriteArrayList.extract/removeElements(int, int) does now
proper range checks and remove elements properly.
- Fixed: CopyOnWriteArrayList.SubList now works properly. (Reimplemented
- Fixed: CopyOnWriteArrayList.Iterator.previous() was returning the
wrong values.
- Fixed: CopyOnWriteArrayList.Iterator.skip now skips the right amount
of elements and stops where it should.
- Fixed: LinkedList.first/last/dequeue/dequeueLast now throws
NoSuchElementException when empty instead of IllegalStateException.
- Fixed: LinkedList had an edge case where the entire reverse iterator
would break if the wrong element was removed.
- Fixed: LinkedList.extractElement now returns the correct values.
- Fixed: AbstractMap.entrySet().remove(Object) now returns true if
defaultReturnValue elements were removed.
- Fixed: ConcurrentHashMap.remove(Object, Object) checks if the type
matches before comparing against null Values.
- Fixed: LinkedHashMap.clearAndTrim() was checking the wrong value for
determining the full reset or clearing of a Map.
- Fixed: HashMap.trim/clearToTrim() was using the wrong value to
determin if something should be done.
- Fixed: HashMap now compares empty values (0) against nullKeys when
Object Variants of the type are used.
- Fixed: ImmutableMap now compares empty values (0) against nullKeys
when Object Variants of the type are used.
- Fixed: ArrayMap.iterator(key) now throws NoSuchElementException when
the element wasn't found.
- Fixed: Linked/EnumMap array constructor was creating the wrong size
values array.
- Fixed: LinkedEnumMap.getAndMoveToFirst/Last was moving elements even
if the element wasn't present.
- Fixed: AVL/RBTreeMap.getFirst/LastKey was not throwing a
NoSuchElementException if the map was empty.
- Fixed: Map.Builder wasn't throwing a IllegalStateException when
creating a negative size builder.
- Fixed: AVL/RBTreeSet.DecendingSet.subSet(from, fromInclusive, to,
toInclusive) was creating a corrupt asending subset.
- Fixed: ArraySet throws now a IllegalStateException when trying to
create it with a negative size.
- Fixed: ArraySet.addMoveToLast(key) was crashing when a key was already
- Fixed: Immutable/LinkedHashSet now keep track of their iteration index
- Fixed: LinkedHashSet.moveToFirst/Last(key) would crash if the Set was
- Fixed: LinkedHashSet.clearAndTrim() was checking the wrong value for
determining the full reset or clearing of a Map.
- Fixed: HashSet.trim/clearToTrim() was using the wrong value to
determin if something should be done.
2022-06-12 14:31:45 +02:00
Speiger e7da7acc08 Started massive unit testing library these are the first fixes.
-Fixed: AbstractCollection.retainAll didn't push removed values through the consumer.
-Fixed: AbstractCollection.toArray wouldn't reset the last entry if the input array was larger then the elements in the collection.
-Fixed: SubList didn't check for ranges properly or didn't use parent list to validate changes.
-Fixed: ArrayList.addElements didn't check input array fully and used the wrong variable to move the elements around.
-Fixed: LinkedList.addElements(EmptyInput) would crash.
-Fixed: LinkedList.swapRemove didn't account for if the removed element was the prelast one.
-Fixed: LinkedList.removeElements would break the implementation if the list was almost empty and the middle element was removed.
-Fixed: LinkedHashSet.addAndMoveToFirst wouldn't move elements to the first place.
2022-05-22 15:13:29 +02:00
Speiger 059da9be12 New Features
-Added: CopyOnWriteArrayList
-Added: UnitTests for CopyOnWriteArrayLists
2022-04-09 03:56:54 +02:00