Commit Graph

16 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Speiger 274d37c4d6 New Features.
-Added: List.indexedIterator which allows you to create a iterator with a customized iteration indecies. Useful if you want to transform lists output.
-Added: PriorityQueue.contains is now a function
-Added: Iterators/Async Builders now support MapToPrimitiveType function on the object variant. So more processing can be done. (Will be expanded upon later versions)
-Updated: SimpleCodeGenerator 1.3.0 is now being used which allows for iterative code support.
2023-06-29 18:30:22 +02:00
Speiger d2c81e7779 Fixed all the reported issues by the Unit testing. 2023-06-15 17:12:11 +02:00
Speiger ef5fdbd377 Finished Code Cleanup with Compute functions and added ReversedWrappers 2023-06-14 17:40:27 +02:00
Speiger 0f9751bf70 Fixed that setValue wasn't working with ForEach implementations. 2023-05-18 23:02:27 +02:00
Speiger ed9ce60af4 Small Fixes to doc and Useless Imports 2023-05-17 09:01:09 +02:00
Speiger 477f3c9f40 Implemented ForEachIndexed into all collections 2022-12-16 13:03:28 +01:00
Speiger 9df95c0fc3 Supplier now uses javas function name. Tests will still fail. 2022-12-15 16:26:05 +01:00
Speiger 127eb71968 Massive refactor.
-Changed: Classes that used Primitive Collections Functions now use Java functions if possible to increase compat.
-Changed: Started that functions go closer to javas naming sceme.
2022-12-14 18:32:04 +01:00
Speiger 8f7d49b280 Finished Function module and added breaking change. 2022-12-07 07:31:30 +01:00
Speiger 99e9afe7b1 Started working on the next patch.
- Added: ISizeProvider interface (Optimization Helper)
- Added: ISizeProvider into most Iterable implementations
(Distinct/Filter/FlatMap/ArrayFlatMap don't support it, for obvious
- Added: ToArray function into Iterable which uses ISizeProvider to
reduce overhead of duplicating arrays.
- Fixed: putIfAbsent now replaces defaultValues
2022-11-20 08:56:23 +01:00
Speiger ddc58ee221 Version 0.7.0 Release
- Added: Coverage Badge
- Updated: Changelog.
- Changed: Changelog now has info how to obtain the sourcecode.
- Added: Over 11 Million Unit Tests to this library to ensure quality.
- Added: ArrayList size constructor now throws IllegalStateException if
the size parameter is negative
- Added: EnumMap specialized forEach implementation.
- Added: AbstractMap.remove now delegates to its primitive counterpart.
- Added: ConcurrentHashMap now implements ITrimmable
- Refactor: Removed a lot of disabled code from ArraySet.
- Removed: LinkedList.addAll(index, List) now delegates to
LinkedList.addAll(index, Collection) due to no special optimization
- Fixed: AbstractList.SubList.get/set/swapRemove didn't calculate their
List index Properly
- Fixed: AbstractList.SubList chains now properly if you create SubLists
within SubLists.
- Fixed: AbstractList.Iterator.add now respects
- Fixed: AbstractList.Iterator.skip/back now keep track of the last
returned value for remove function to work properly.
- Fixed: CopyOnWriteArrayList.extract/removeElements(int, int) does now
proper range checks and remove elements properly.
- Fixed: CopyOnWriteArrayList.SubList now works properly. (Reimplemented
- Fixed: CopyOnWriteArrayList.Iterator.previous() was returning the
wrong values.
- Fixed: CopyOnWriteArrayList.Iterator.skip now skips the right amount
of elements and stops where it should.
- Fixed: LinkedList.first/last/dequeue/dequeueLast now throws
NoSuchElementException when empty instead of IllegalStateException.
- Fixed: LinkedList had an edge case where the entire reverse iterator
would break if the wrong element was removed.
- Fixed: LinkedList.extractElement now returns the correct values.
- Fixed: AbstractMap.entrySet().remove(Object) now returns true if
defaultReturnValue elements were removed.
- Fixed: ConcurrentHashMap.remove(Object, Object) checks if the type
matches before comparing against null Values.
- Fixed: LinkedHashMap.clearAndTrim() was checking the wrong value for
determining the full reset or clearing of a Map.
- Fixed: HashMap.trim/clearToTrim() was using the wrong value to
determin if something should be done.
- Fixed: HashMap now compares empty values (0) against nullKeys when
Object Variants of the type are used.
- Fixed: ImmutableMap now compares empty values (0) against nullKeys
when Object Variants of the type are used.
- Fixed: ArrayMap.iterator(key) now throws NoSuchElementException when
the element wasn't found.
- Fixed: Linked/EnumMap array constructor was creating the wrong size
values array.
- Fixed: LinkedEnumMap.getAndMoveToFirst/Last was moving elements even
if the element wasn't present.
- Fixed: AVL/RBTreeMap.getFirst/LastKey was not throwing a
NoSuchElementException if the map was empty.
- Fixed: Map.Builder wasn't throwing a IllegalStateException when
creating a negative size builder.
- Fixed: AVL/RBTreeSet.DecendingSet.subSet(from, fromInclusive, to,
toInclusive) was creating a corrupt asending subset.
- Fixed: ArraySet throws now a IllegalStateException when trying to
create it with a negative size.
- Fixed: ArraySet.addMoveToLast(key) was crashing when a key was already
- Fixed: Immutable/LinkedHashSet now keep track of their iteration index
- Fixed: LinkedHashSet.moveToFirst/Last(key) would crash if the Set was
- Fixed: LinkedHashSet.clearAndTrim() was checking the wrong value for
determining the full reset or clearing of a Map.
- Fixed: HashSet.trim/clearToTrim() was using the wrong value to
determin if something should be done.
2022-06-12 14:31:45 +02:00
Speiger c6f2f71f6c Switching to a new lock to make read operations actually concurrent. 2022-04-13 02:00:52 +02:00
Speiger d2c7c151bc Implemented tests.
-Added: ConcurrentHashMap test suite
-Fixed: Bugs found in ConcurrentHashMaps with the iterator and clear function.
2022-04-12 08:08:17 +02:00
Speiger 4448eca787 Finishing ConcurrentHashMap implementation, next tests 2022-04-12 06:06:18 +02:00
Speiger 0350a77dff Finishing the ConcurrentMap implementation
This though isn't finishing the rest because the interface still needs
to be implemented.
-Added: Rest of the ConcurrentMap implementation
-Fixed: LinkedOpenHashMap Count method was returning prematurely.
2022-04-11 03:20:28 +02:00
Speiger 4f98c599df New Features.
-Added: ArrayList.of(CLASS, size) function that allows to preallocate
the size of the generic list.
-Updated: ListTests suppressors only suprres what they need to.
-Added: Start of the ConcurrentHashMap implementation (based on Guavas

Note that the ConcurrentHashMap implementation is just started not
finished and still needs a lot of work, but the base code - any
subclasses is technically finished.
The implementation is also using linkedMaps to have faster iteration
2022-04-10 15:49:16 +02:00