More fixes.
- Fixed: containsKey & containsValue in HashMaps were deprecated for
Object Variants.
- Fixed: HashMap wasn't deleting Keys & Values references when removing
a Object
- Fixed: AVLTreeMap didn't balance properly.
- Changed: EnumMap no longer tries to access SharedSecrets since its
gone in java11
- Added: HashMaps now implement ITrimmable
- Added: AVLTreeSet didn't balance properly
- Fixed: HashMaps & LinkedMaps weren't clearing references properly.
2021-06-24 17:16:36 +02:00 |
Added TrimAndClear function into ITrimmable
2021-05-26 13:06:52 +02:00 |
Finished first loop of JavaDoc generation.
-Fixed: A couple bugs that were found during javadoc generation.
Next loop of javadoc comes later right now i want to add splititerators
and streams
2021-04-26 22:25:09 +02:00 |
Project is now buildable.
-Moved: Code generation is in its own sourceset.
-Fixed: Bugs that caused that the project isnt buildable.
-Changed: Made build.gradle to a standard.
2021-01-29 11:41:48 +01:00 |