19 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
3d6cbf5ac1 Finishing touches for the 0.6.0 release. 2022-04-14 07:29:32 +02:00
6f31fc5abb New Features
- Added: addOrGet for sets.
- Added: Async API which allows to easily execute Iterables/Collections
offthread without the complexity.
2022-04-07 00:04:52 +02:00
e6c9600b40 Refactoring and Deprecating SortedMap/Sets
- Added: OrderedMap/Set
- Added: All Relevant functions into Ordered interface
- Changed: Marked all Relevant SortedMap/Set functions Deprecated until
- Fixed: All code that was relevant to this
2021-12-25 03:46:51 +01:00
f32624d131 Build Release..
-Fixed: Doc error on gradle build.
-Fixed: SubSet.iterator had a ambiguity.
2021-12-14 09:05:25 +01:00
caf2f22e9f Finished the Basic Unit test frame work to ensure stablity.
-Added: 150k Unit tests.
-Fixed: Reworked the NavigableSet/Map implementations of RBTree/AVLTree/Array Sets/Maps
2021-12-13 10:41:20 +01:00
e1df59d512 We are now to 16k tests. Fixed loads of issues.
-Added: Tests for Lists and Sets.
-Fixed: SubLists are now stable (they weren't before)
-Fixed: All the bugs that the unit tests found so far.
-Updated: ReadMe/Changelog
2021-12-11 12:53:58 +01:00
a25ec85ba2 Added Reduce function to all implementations 2021-10-29 16:03:39 +02:00
e7bc242292 Fixes and a lot new features. But still WIP
- Fixed: Supplier get function wasn't referencing original function.
- Added: addIfPresent/Absent to lists
- Added: distinct, limit and peek iterators
- Added: Iterable's can now reduce its contents
2021-10-27 14:09:19 +02:00
b90a9ec7d8 Added new Remove/RetainAll function to Collection 2021-10-24 01:11:11 +02:00
6eded1f4be Sets are now Copyable 2021-10-06 17:43:46 +02:00
07abba6312 New Features
-Added: Count method for Iterable
-Fixed: A couple of bugs with the new stream removers not working well in LinkedCollections
2021-09-28 13:20:05 +02:00
0e061921e9 New Features and improvements
-Added: addAll array function.
-Fixed: forEach with input now puts the input at the key instead of value
2021-09-28 03:23:21 +02:00
17f0dddf20 Refactor and New Features
-Changed: Refactored some variable names because they got out of hand since they were handed for single cases instead of making actual specific rules.
-Added: mapping functions (only to objects) are now accessible to primitive collections.
-Added: Filter function for Iterables/Iterators. (Iterable implements them automatically)
2021-09-16 23:53:57 +02:00
796cd7c007 New Implementations & Fixes (Tree Maps get soon more love too)
-Added: New Implementations for new Iterable functions.
-Fixed: Reduced the Conditional Code by adding better Variables.
-Changed: Removed a lot of duplicated for each methods.
2021-09-16 02:57:09 +02:00
117d0f36e6 New Fixes
- Fixed: ObjectLists Crashed when a null was provided as a Comparator.
(Unless the List was Initialized with the ClassType)
- Fixed: LinkedLists didn't implement add(Object)
- Fixed: Object Collections did have the JavaCollections deprecated as
the Constructor. This should only be deprecated for Primitives
- Added: Tests with 5k Random names for Object sorting.
- Changed: Object Arrays no longer require a Comparable[] it just
assumes now that the elements in the Array are Comparable
2021-09-02 13:38:25 +02:00
57baeb261e Added Implementation specific functions to speed up logic. 2021-05-28 22:10:30 +02:00
17886dde62 Fixes to SubSets.
-Fixed: ToArray implementation works now.
-Fixed: Creating SubSets from subsets is now no longer 1 element to small.
2021-05-28 20:08:04 +02:00
a9a38f7853 Finished first loop of JavaDoc generation.
-Fixed: A couple bugs that were found during javadoc generation.

Next loop of javadoc comes later right now i want to add splititerators
and streams
2021-04-26 22:25:09 +02:00
aaee550ea9 Project is now buildable.
-Moved: Code generation is in its own sourceset.
-Fixed: Bugs that caused that the project isnt buildable.
-Changed: Made build.gradle to a standard.
2021-01-29 11:41:48 +01:00