-Added: Array only sorting function return the inputed array. This was done to allow for static final references to use the method in one go without having to make lambda wrappers. Cleaner code.
- Fixed: ObjectLists Crashed when a null was provided as a Comparator.
(Unless the List was Initialized with the ClassType)
- Fixed: LinkedLists didn't implement add(Object)
- Fixed: Object Collections did have the JavaCollections deprecated as
the Constructor. This should only be deprecated for Primitives
- Added: Tests with 5k Random names for Object sorting.
- Changed: Object Arrays no longer require a Comparable[] it just
assumes now that the elements in the Array are Comparable
- Added: ImmutableList.
- Added: Iterator pour function into a List or Array
- Changed: Arrays Wrap is now accessible to Objects and now is ? extends
TYPE instead of TYPE.
-Added: JavaDoc for Map Interfaces.
-Added: JavaDoc for Abstract Map/Collection/Set
-Added: Ignore JavaDoc for tests/builder code.
-Added: More JavaDoc for Arrays.
-Added: Tests for all map implementations.
-Added: Missing Map Constructors.
-Fixed: Bugs with Maps & Sets.
-Fixed: Gradle Java Container.
-Fixed: Some javadoc stuff.
-Note: SubMap/List implementation are not really well tested and most likely buggy
-Changed: set JavaDoc to be quiet for now. Later goal.