package speiger.src.collections.PACKAGE.maps.interfaces; import java.util.Map; #if VALUE_OBJECT && !TYPE_OBJECT import java.util.Objects; #endif import java.util.function.BiConsumer; import java.util.function.BiFunction; import java.util.function.Consumer; import java.util.function.Function; #if TYPE_OBJECT import java.util.Comparator; #endif import speiger.src.collections.VALUE_PACKAGE.collections.VALUE_COLLECTION; import speiger.src.collections.PACKAGE.functions.consumer.BI_CONSUMER; import speiger.src.collections.PACKAGE.functions.function.FUNCTION; import speiger.src.collections.PACKAGE.functions.function.UNARY_OPERATOR; #if !TYPE_OBJECT && !TYPE_BOOLEAN import speiger.src.collections.PACKAGE.functions.COMPARATOR; #endif #if !TYPE_BOOLEAN import speiger.src.collections.PACKAGE.maps.impl.customHash.LINKED_CUSTOM_HASH_MAP; import speiger.src.collections.PACKAGE.maps.impl.customHash.CUSTOM_HASH_MAP; import speiger.src.collections.PACKAGE.maps.impl.hash.LINKED_HASH_MAP; import speiger.src.collections.PACKAGE.maps.impl.hash.HASH_MAP; import speiger.src.collections.PACKAGE.maps.impl.immutable.IMMUTABLE_HASH_MAP; import speiger.src.collections.PACKAGE.maps.impl.tree.AVL_TREE_MAP; import speiger.src.collections.PACKAGE.maps.impl.tree.RB_TREE_MAP; import speiger.src.collections.PACKAGE.utils.STRATEGY; #endif import speiger.src.collections.PACKAGE.sets.SET; #if !SAME_TYPE import speiger.src.collections.VALUE_PACKAGE.functions.function.VALUE_UNARY_OPERATOR; #endif import speiger.src.collections.objects.collections.ObjectIterator; #if !TYPE_OBJECT import speiger.src.collections.objects.sets.ObjectSet; #endif /** * A Type Specific Map that reduces memory overhead due to boxing/unboxing of Primitives * and some extra helper functions. * @Type(T) * @ValueType(V) */ public interface MAP KEY_VALUE_GENERIC_TYPE extends Map, FUNCTION KEY_VALUE_GENERIC_TYPE { /** * Method to see what the default return value is. * @return default return value */ public VALUE_TYPE getDefaultReturnValue(); /** * Method to define the default return value if a requested key isn't present * @param v value that should be the default return value * @return itself */ public MAP KEY_VALUE_GENERIC_TYPE setDefaultReturnValue(VALUE_TYPE v); /** * Type Specific method to reduce boxing/unboxing of values * @param key the key that should be inserted, * @param value the value that should be inserted * @return the last present value or default return value. * @see Map#put(Object, Object) */ public VALUE_TYPE put(KEY_TYPE key, VALUE_TYPE value); /** * Type Specific array method to bulk add elements into a map without creating a wrapper and increasing performances * @param keys the keys that should be added * @param values the values that should be added * @see Map#putAll(Map) * @throws IllegalStateException if the arrays are not the same size */ public default void putAll(KEY_TYPE[] keys, VALUE_TYPE[] values) { if(keys.length != values.length) throw new IllegalStateException("Array sizes do not match"); putAll(keys, values, 0, keys.length); } /** * Type Specific array method to bulk add elements into a map without creating a wrapper and increasing performances * @param keys the keys that should be added * @param values the values that should be added * @param offset where the to start in the array * @param size how many elements should be added * @see Map#putAll(Map) * @throws IllegalStateException if the arrays are not within the range */ public void putAll(KEY_TYPE[] keys, VALUE_TYPE[] values, int offset, int size); /** * Type Specific method to reduce boxing/unboxing of values * @param key the key that should be inserted, * @param value the value that should be inserted * @return the last present value or default return value. * @see Map#putIfAbsent(Object, Object) */ public VALUE_TYPE putIfAbsent(KEY_TYPE key, VALUE_TYPE value); /** * Type-Specific bulk put method put elements into the map if not present. * @param m elements that should be added if not present. */ public void putAllIfAbsent(MAP KEY_VALUE_GENERIC_TYPE m); #if VALUE_PRIMITIVES /** * A Helper method to add a primitives together. If key is not present then this functions as a put. * @param key the key that should be inserted, * @param value the value that should be inserted / added * @return the last present value or default return value. */ public VALUE_TYPE addTo(KEY_TYPE key, VALUE_TYPE value); /** * A Helper method to bulk add primitives together. * @param m the values that should be added/inserted */ public void addToAll(MAP KEY_VALUE_GENERIC_TYPE m); #endif /** * Type Specific function for the bull putting of values * @param m the elements that should be inserted */ public void putAll(MAP KEY_VALUE_GENERIC_TYPE m); #if !TYPE_OBJECT /** * Type Specific method to reduce boxing/unboxing of values * @param key element that is searched for * @return if the key is present */ public boolean containsKey(KEY_TYPE key); /** * @see Map#containsKey(Object) * @param key that is searched for. * @return true if found * @note in some implementations key does not have to be CLASS_TYPE but just have to support equals with CLASS_TYPE. */ @Override public default boolean containsKey(Object key) { return key instanceof CLASS_TYPE && containsKey(CLASS_TO_KEY(key)); } #endif #if !VALUE_OBJECT /** * Type Specific method to reduce boxing/unboxing of values * @param value element that is searched for * @return if the value is present */ public boolean containsValue(VALUE_TYPE value); /** * @see Map#containsValue(Object) * @param value that is searched for. * @return true if found * @note in some implementations key does not have to be CLASS_VALUE but just have to support equals with CLASS_VALUE. */ @Override public default boolean containsValue(Object value) { return value instanceof CLASS_VALUE_TYPE && containsValue(CLASS_TO_VALUE(value)); } #endif /** * Type Specific remove function to reduce boxing/unboxing * @param key the element that should be removed * @return the value that was removed or default return value */ public VALUE_TYPE REMOVE_VALUE(KEY_TYPE key); /** * @see Map#remove(Object) * @param key the element that should be removed * @return the value that was removed or default return value * @note in some implementations key does not have to be CLASS_TYPE but just have to support equals with CLASS_TYPE. */ @Override public default CLASS_VALUE_TYPE remove(Object key) { #if TYPE_OBJECT return VALUE_TO_OBJ(REMOVE_VALUE((CLASS_TYPE)key)); #else return key instanceof CLASS_TYPE ? VALUE_TO_OBJ(REMOVE_VALUE(CLASS_TO_KEY(key))) : VALUE_TO_OBJ(getDefaultReturnValue()); #endif } #if !TYPE_OBJECT || !VALUE_OBJECT /** * Type Specific remove function to reduce boxing/unboxing * @param key the element that should be removed * @param value the expected value that should be found * @return true if the key and value was found and removed * @see Map#remove(Object, Object) */ public boolean remove(KEY_TYPE key, VALUE_TYPE value); /** * @see Map#remove(Object, Object) * @param key the element that should be removed * @param value the expected value that should be found * @return true if the key and value was found and removed */ @Override public default boolean remove(Object key, Object value) { #if TYPE_OBJECT return value instanceof CLASS_VALUE_TYPE && remove((KEY_TYPE)key, CLASS_TO_VALUE(value)); #else if VALUE_OBJECT return key instanceof CLASS_TYPE && remove(CLASS_TO_KEY(key), (VALUE_TYPE)value); #else return key instanceof CLASS_TYPE && value instanceof CLASS_VALUE_TYPE && remove(CLASS_TO_KEY(key), CLASS_TO_VALUE(value)); #endif } #endif /** * Type-Specific Remove function with a default return value if wanted. * @see Map#remove(Object, Object) * @param key the element that should be removed * @param defaultValue the value that should be returned if the entry doesn't exist * @return the value that was removed or default value */ public VALUE_TYPE REMOVE_VALUEOrDefault(KEY_TYPE key, VALUE_TYPE defaultValue); /** * A Type Specific replace method to replace an existing value * @param key the element that should be searched for * @param oldValue the expected value to be replaced * @param newValue the value to replace the oldValue with. * @return true if the value got replaced * @note this fails if the value is not present even if it matches the oldValue */ public boolean replace(KEY_TYPE key, VALUE_TYPE oldValue, VALUE_TYPE newValue); /** * A Type Specific replace method to reduce boxing/unboxing replace an existing value * @param key the element that should be searched for * @param value the value to replace with. * @return the present value or default return value * @note this fails if the value is not present */ public VALUE_TYPE replace(KEY_TYPE key, VALUE_TYPE value); /** * Type-Specific bulk replace method. Could be seen as putAllIfPresent * @param m elements that should be replaced. */ public void REPLACE_VALUES(MAP KEY_VALUE_GENERIC_TYPE m); /** * A Type Specific mass replace method to reduce boxing/unboxing * @param mappingFunction operation to replace all values */ public void REPLACE_VALUES(UNARY_OPERATOR KEY_VALUE_GENERIC_TYPE mappingFunction); /** * A Type Specific compute method to reduce boxing/unboxing * @param key the key that should be computed * @param mappingFunction the operator that should generate the value * @return the result of the computation */ public VALUE_TYPE COMPUTE(KEY_TYPE key, UNARY_OPERATOR KEY_VALUE_GENERIC_TYPE mappingFunction); /** * A Type Specific compute method to reduce boxing/unboxing * @param key the key that should be computed * @param mappingFunction the operator that should generate the value if not present * @return the result of the computed value or present value */ public VALUE_TYPE COMPUTE_IF_ABSENT(KEY_TYPE key, FUNCTION KEY_VALUE_GENERIC_TYPE mappingFunction); /** * A Type Specific compute method to reduce boxing/unboxing * @param key the key that should be computed * @param mappingFunction the operator that should generate the value if present * @return the result of the default return value or present value * @note if not present then compute is not executed */ public VALUE_TYPE COMPUTE_IF_PRESENT(KEY_TYPE key, UNARY_OPERATOR KEY_VALUE_GENERIC_TYPE mappingFunction); /** * A Type Specific merge method to reduce boxing/unboxing * @param key the key that should be be searched for * @param value the value that should be merged with * @param mappingFunction the operator that should generate the new Value * @return the result of the merge * @note if the result matches the default return value then the key is removed from the map */ public VALUE_TYPE MERGE(KEY_TYPE key, VALUE_TYPE value, VALUE_UNARY_OPERATOR VALUE_VALUE_GENERIC_TYPE mappingFunction); /** * A Bulk method for merging Maps. * @param m the entries that should be bulk added * @param mappingFunction the operator that should generate the new Value * @note if the result matches the default return value then the key is removed from the map */ public void BULK_MERGE(MAP KEY_VALUE_GENERIC_TYPE m, VALUE_UNARY_OPERATOR VALUE_VALUE_GENERIC_TYPE mappingFunction); #if !TYPE_OBJECT || !VALUE_OBJECT @Override @Primitive public default boolean replace(CLASS_TYPE key, CLASS_VALUE_TYPE oldValue, CLASS_VALUE_TYPE newValue) { return replace(OBJ_TO_KEY(key), OBJ_TO_VALUE(oldValue), OBJ_TO_VALUE(newValue)); } @Override @Primitive public default CLASS_VALUE_TYPE replace(CLASS_TYPE key, CLASS_VALUE_TYPE value) { return VALUE_TO_OBJ(replace(OBJ_TO_KEY(key), OBJ_TO_VALUE(value))); } /** * A Type Specific get method to reduce boxing/unboxing * @param key the key that is searched for * @return the searched value or default return value */ @Override public VALUE_TYPE GET_VALUE(KEY_TYPE key); /** * A Type Specific getOrDefault method to reduce boxing/unboxing * @param key the key that is searched for * @param defaultValue the value that should be returned if the key is not present * @return the searched value or defaultValue value */ public VALUE_TYPE getOrDefault(KEY_TYPE key, VALUE_TYPE defaultValue); @Override @Primitive public default CLASS_VALUE_TYPE get(Object key) { #if TYPE_OBJECT return VALUE_TO_OBJ(GET_VALUE((CLASS_TYPE)key)); #else return VALUE_TO_OBJ(key instanceof CLASS_TYPE ? GET_VALUE(CLASS_TO_KEY(key)) : getDefaultReturnValue()); #endif } @Override @Primitive public default CLASS_VALUE_TYPE getOrDefault(Object key, CLASS_VALUE_TYPE defaultValue) { #if TYPE_OBJECT CLASS_VALUE_TYPE value = VALUE_TO_OBJ(GET_VALUE((CLASS_TYPE)key)); #else CLASS_VALUE_TYPE value = VALUE_TO_OBJ(key instanceof CLASS_TYPE ? GET_VALUE(CLASS_TO_KEY(key)) : getDefaultReturnValue()); #endif return VALUE_EQUALS_NOT(value, getDefaultReturnValue()) || containsKey(key) ? value : defaultValue; } #endif @Override @Primitive public default void replaceAll(BiFunction mappingFunction) { REPLACE_VALUES(mappingFunction instanceof UNARY_OPERATOR ? (UNARY_OPERATOR KEY_VALUE_GENERIC_TYPE)mappingFunction : (K, V) -> OBJ_TO_VALUE(mappingFunction.apply(KEY_TO_OBJ(K), VALUE_TO_OBJ(V)))); } @Override @Primitive public default CLASS_VALUE_TYPE compute(CLASS_TYPE key, BiFunction mappingFunction) { return VALUE_TO_OBJ(COMPUTE(OBJ_TO_KEY(key), mappingFunction instanceof UNARY_OPERATOR ? (UNARY_OPERATOR KEY_VALUE_GENERIC_TYPE)mappingFunction : (K, V) -> OBJ_TO_VALUE(mappingFunction.apply(KEY_TO_OBJ(K), VALUE_TO_OBJ(V))))); } @Override @Primitive public default CLASS_VALUE_TYPE computeIfAbsent(CLASS_TYPE key, Function mappingFunction) { return VALUE_TO_OBJ(COMPUTE_IF_ABSENT(OBJ_TO_KEY(key), mappingFunction instanceof FUNCTION ? (FUNCTION KEY_VALUE_GENERIC_TYPE)mappingFunction : K -> OBJ_TO_VALUE(mappingFunction.apply(KEY_TO_OBJ(K))))); } @Override @Primitive public default CLASS_VALUE_TYPE computeIfPresent(CLASS_TYPE key, BiFunction mappingFunction) { return VALUE_TO_OBJ(COMPUTE_IF_PRESENT(OBJ_TO_KEY(key), mappingFunction instanceof UNARY_OPERATOR ? (UNARY_OPERATOR KEY_VALUE_GENERIC_TYPE)mappingFunction : (K, V) -> OBJ_TO_VALUE(mappingFunction.apply(KEY_TO_OBJ(K), VALUE_TO_OBJ(V))))); } @Override @Primitive public default CLASS_VALUE_TYPE merge(CLASS_TYPE key, CLASS_VALUE_TYPE value, BiFunction mappingFunction) { return VALUE_TO_OBJ(MERGE(OBJ_TO_KEY(key), OBJ_TO_VALUE(value), mappingFunction instanceof VALUE_UNARY_OPERATOR ? (VALUE_UNARY_OPERATOR VALUE_VALUE_GENERIC_TYPE)mappingFunction : (K, V) -> OBJ_TO_VALUE(mappingFunction.apply(VALUE_TO_OBJ(K), VALUE_TO_OBJ(V))))); } /** * Type Specific forEach method to reduce boxing/unboxing * @param action processor of the values that are iterator over */ public void forEach(BI_CONSUMER KEY_VALUE_GENERIC_TYPE action); @Override @Primitive public default void forEach(BiConsumer action) { forEach(action instanceof BI_CONSUMER ? (BI_CONSUMER KEY_VALUE_GENERIC_TYPE)action : (K, V) -> action.accept(KEY_TO_OBJ(K), VALUE_TO_OBJ(V))); } @Override public SET KEY_GENERIC_TYPE keySet(); @Override public VALUE_COLLECTION VALUE_GENERIC_TYPE values(); @Override @Primitive public ObjectSet> entrySet(); /** * Type Sensitive EntrySet to reduce boxing/unboxing and optionally Temp Object Allocation. * @return a EntrySet of the collection */ public ObjectSet ENTRY_SET(); #if !TYPE_OBJECT || !VALUE_OBJECT @Override @Primitive public default CLASS_VALUE_TYPE put(CLASS_TYPE key, CLASS_VALUE_TYPE value) { return VALUE_TO_OBJ(put(OBJ_TO_KEY(key), OBJ_TO_VALUE(value))); } @Override @Primitive public default CLASS_VALUE_TYPE putIfAbsent(CLASS_TYPE key, CLASS_VALUE_TYPE value) { return VALUE_TO_OBJ(put(OBJ_TO_KEY(key), OBJ_TO_VALUE(value))); } #endif /** * Fast Entry set that allows for a faster Entry Iterator by recycling the Entry Object and just exchanging 1 internal value * @Type(T) * @ValueType(V) */ public interface FastEntrySet KEY_VALUE_GENERIC_TYPE extends ObjectSet { /** * Fast iterator that recycles the given Entry object to improve speed and reduce object allocation * @return a Recycling ObjectIterator of the given set */ public ObjectIterator fastIterator(); /** * Fast for each that recycles the given Entry object to improve speed and reduce object allocation * @param action the action that should be applied to each given entry */ public default void fastForEach(Consumer action) { forEach(action); } } /** * Type Specific Map Entry that reduces boxing/unboxing * @Type(T) * @ValueType(V) */ public interface Entry KEY_VALUE_GENERIC_TYPE extends Map.Entry { #if !TYPE_OBJECT /** * Type Specific getKey method that reduces boxing/unboxing * @return the key of a given Entry */ public KEY_TYPE ENTRY_KEY(); public default CLASS_TYPE getKey() { return KEY_TO_OBJ(ENTRY_KEY()); } #endif #if !VALUE_OBJECT /** * Type Specific getValue method that reduces boxing/unboxing * @return the value of a given Entry */ public VALUE_TYPE ENTRY_VALUE(); /** * Type Specific setValue method that reduces boxing/unboxing * @param value the new Value that should be placed in the given entry * @return the old value of a given entry * @throws UnsupportedOperationException if the Entry is immutable or not supported */ public VALUE_TYPE setValue(VALUE_TYPE value); public default CLASS_VALUE_TYPE getValue() { return VALUE_TO_OBJ(ENTRY_VALUE()); } public default CLASS_VALUE_TYPE setValue(CLASS_VALUE_TYPE value) { return VALUE_TO_OBJ(setValue(OBJ_TO_VALUE(value))); } #endif } #if !TYPE_BOOLEAN /** * Helper function to unify code * @Type(T) * @ValueType(V) * @return a OpenHashMap */ public static GENERIC_KEY_VALUE_BRACES HASH_MAP KEY_VALUE_GENERIC_TYPE createMap() { return new HASH_MAPKV_BRACES(); } /** * Helper function to unify code * @param size the minimum capacity of the Map * @Type(T) * @ValueType(V) * @return a OpenHashMap with a mimimum capacity */ public static GENERIC_KEY_VALUE_BRACES HASH_MAP KEY_VALUE_GENERIC_TYPE createMap(int size) { return new HASH_MAPKV_BRACES(size); } /** * Helper function to unify code * @param keys the keys that should be inserted * @param values the values that should be inserted * @Type(T) * @ValueType(V) * @throws IllegalStateException if the keys and values do not match in length * @return a OpenHashMap thats contains the injected values */ public static GENERIC_KEY_VALUE_BRACES HASH_MAP KEY_VALUE_GENERIC_TYPE createMap(KEY_TYPE[] keys, VALUE_TYPE[] values) { return new HASH_MAPKV_BRACES(keys, values); } #if !TYPE_OBJECT || !VALUE_OBJECT /** * Helper function to unify code * @param keys the keys that should be inserted * @param values the values that should be inserted * @Type(T) * @ValueType(V) * @throws IllegalStateException if the keys and values do not match in length * @return a OpenHashMap thats contains the injected values * @note the keys and values will be unboxed */ public static GENERIC_KEY_VALUE_BRACES HASH_MAP KEY_VALUE_GENERIC_TYPE createMap(CLASS_TYPE[] keys, CLASS_VALUE_TYPE[] values) { return new HASH_MAPKV_BRACES(keys, values); } #endif /** * Helper function to unify code * @param map that should be cloned * @Type(T) * @ValueType(V) * @return a OpenHashMap thats copies the contents of the provided map */ public static GENERIC_KEY_VALUE_BRACES HASH_MAP KEY_VALUE_GENERIC_TYPE createMap(MAP KEY_VALUE_GENERIC_TYPE map) { return new HASH_MAPKV_BRACES(map); } /** * Helper function to unify code * @param map that should be cloned * @Type(T) * @ValueType(V) * @return a OpenHashMap thats copies the contents of the provided map * @note the map will be unboxed */ public static GENERIC_KEY_VALUE_BRACES HASH_MAP KEY_VALUE_GENERIC_TYPE createMap(Map map) { return new HASH_MAPKV_BRACES(map); } /** * Helper function to unify code * @Type(T) * @ValueType(V) * @return a LinkedOpenHashMap */ public static GENERIC_KEY_VALUE_BRACES LINKED_HASH_MAP KEY_VALUE_GENERIC_TYPE createLinkedMap() { return new LINKED_HASH_MAPKV_BRACES(); } /** * Helper function to unify code * @param size the minimum capacity of the Map * @Type(T) * @ValueType(V) * @return a LinkedOpenHashMap with a mimimum capacity */ public static GENERIC_KEY_VALUE_BRACES LINKED_HASH_MAP KEY_VALUE_GENERIC_TYPE createLinkedMap(int size) { return new LINKED_HASH_MAPKV_BRACES(size); } /** * Helper function to unify code * @param keys the keys that should be inserted * @param values the values that should be inserted * @Type(T) * @ValueType(V) * @throws IllegalStateException if the keys and values do not match in length * @return a LinkedOpenHashMap thats contains the injected values */ public static GENERIC_KEY_VALUE_BRACES LINKED_HASH_MAP KEY_VALUE_GENERIC_TYPE createLinkedMap(KEY_TYPE[] keys, VALUE_TYPE[] values) { return new LINKED_HASH_MAPKV_BRACES(keys, values); } #if !TYPE_OBJECT || !VALUE_OBJECT /** * Helper function to unify code * @param keys the keys that should be inserted * @param values the values that should be inserted * @Type(T) * @ValueType(V) * @throws IllegalStateException if the keys and values do not match in length * @return a LinkedOpenHashMap thats contains the injected values * @note the keys and values will be unboxed */ public static GENERIC_KEY_VALUE_BRACES LINKED_HASH_MAP KEY_VALUE_GENERIC_TYPE createLinkedMap(CLASS_TYPE[] keys, CLASS_VALUE_TYPE[] values) { return new LINKED_HASH_MAPKV_BRACES(keys, values); } #endif /** * Helper function to unify code * @param map that should be cloned * @Type(T) * @ValueType(V) * @return a LinkedOpenHashMap thats copies the contents of the provided map */ public static GENERIC_KEY_VALUE_BRACES LINKED_HASH_MAP KEY_VALUE_GENERIC_TYPE createLinkedMap(MAP KEY_VALUE_GENERIC_TYPE map) { return new LINKED_HASH_MAPKV_BRACES(map); } /** * Helper function to unify code * @param map that should be cloned * @Type(T) * @ValueType(V) * @return a LinkedOpenHashMap thats copies the contents of the provided map * @note the map will be unboxed */ public static GENERIC_KEY_VALUE_BRACES IMMUTABLE_HASH_MAP KEY_VALUE_GENERIC_TYPE createLinkedMap(Map map) { return new IMMUTABLE_HASH_MAPKV_BRACES(map); } /** * Helper function to unify code * @param keys the keys that should be inserted * @param values the values that should be inserted * @Type(T) * @ValueType(V) * @throws IllegalStateException if the keys and values do not match in length * @return a ImmutableOpenHashMap thats contains the injected values */ public static GENERIC_KEY_VALUE_BRACES IMMUTABLE_HASH_MAP KEY_VALUE_GENERIC_TYPE createImmutable(KEY_TYPE[] keys, VALUE_TYPE[] values) { return new IMMUTABLE_HASH_MAPKV_BRACES(keys, values); } #if !TYPE_OBJECT || !VALUE_OBJECT /** * Helper function to unify code * @param keys the keys that should be inserted * @param values the values that should be inserted * @Type(T) * @ValueType(V) * @throws IllegalStateException if the keys and values do not match in length * @return a ImmutableOpenHashMap thats contains the injected values * @note the keys and values will be unboxed */ public static GENERIC_KEY_VALUE_BRACES IMMUTABLE_HASH_MAP KEY_VALUE_GENERIC_TYPE createImmutable(CLASS_TYPE[] keys, CLASS_VALUE_TYPE[] values) { return new IMMUTABLE_HASH_MAPKV_BRACES(keys, values); } #endif /** * Helper function to unify code * @param map that should be cloned * @Type(T) * @ValueType(V) * @return a ImmutableOpenHashMap thats copies the contents of the provided map */ public static GENERIC_KEY_VALUE_BRACES IMMUTABLE_HASH_MAP KEY_VALUE_GENERIC_TYPE createImmutable(MAP KEY_VALUE_GENERIC_TYPE map) { return new IMMUTABLE_HASH_MAPKV_BRACES(map); } /** * Helper function to unify code * @param map that should be cloned * @Type(T) * @ValueType(V) * @return a ImmutableOpenHashMap thats copies the contents of the provided map * @note the map will be unboxed */ public static GENERIC_KEY_VALUE_BRACES IMMUTABLE_HASH_MAP KEY_VALUE_GENERIC_TYPE createImmutable(Map map) { return new IMMUTABLE_HASH_MAPKV_BRACES(map); } /** * Helper function to unify code * @param strategy the Hash Controller * @Type(T) * @ValueType(V) * @return a CustomOpenHashMap */ public static GENERIC_KEY_VALUE_BRACES CUSTOM_HASH_MAP KEY_VALUE_GENERIC_TYPE createCustomMap(STRATEGY KEY_GENERIC_TYPE strategy) { return new CUSTOM_HASH_MAPKV_BRACES(strategy); } /** * Helper function to unify code * @param size the minimum capacity of the Map * @param strategy the Hash Controller * @Type(T) * @ValueType(V) * @return a CustomOpenHashMap with a mimimum capacity */ public static GENERIC_KEY_VALUE_BRACES CUSTOM_HASH_MAP KEY_VALUE_GENERIC_TYPE createCustomMap(int size, STRATEGY KEY_GENERIC_TYPE strategy) { return new CUSTOM_HASH_MAPKV_BRACES(size, strategy); } /** * Helper function to unify code * @param keys the keys that should be inserted * @param values the values that should be inserted * @param strategy the Hash Controller * @Type(T) * @ValueType(V) * @throws IllegalStateException if the keys and values do not match in length * @return a CustomOpenHashMap thats contains the injected values */ public static GENERIC_KEY_VALUE_BRACES CUSTOM_HASH_MAP KEY_VALUE_GENERIC_TYPE createCustomMap(KEY_TYPE[] keys, VALUE_TYPE[] values, STRATEGY KEY_GENERIC_TYPE strategy) { return new CUSTOM_HASH_MAPKV_BRACES(keys, values, strategy); } #if !TYPE_OBJECT || !VALUE_OBJECT /** * Helper function to unify code * @param keys the keys that should be inserted * @param values the values that should be inserted * @param strategy the Hash Controller * @Type(T) * @ValueType(V) * @throws IllegalStateException if the keys and values do not match in length * @return a CustomOpenHashMap thats contains the injected values * @note the keys and values will be unboxed */ public static GENERIC_KEY_VALUE_BRACES CUSTOM_HASH_MAP KEY_VALUE_GENERIC_TYPE createCustomMap(CLASS_TYPE[] keys, CLASS_VALUE_TYPE[] values, STRATEGY KEY_GENERIC_TYPE strategy) { return new CUSTOM_HASH_MAPKV_BRACES(keys, values, strategy); } #endif /** * Helper function to unify code * @param map that should be cloned * @param strategy the Hash Controller * @Type(T) * @ValueType(V) * @return a CustomOpenHashMap thats copies the contents of the provided map */ public static GENERIC_KEY_VALUE_BRACES CUSTOM_HASH_MAP KEY_VALUE_GENERIC_TYPE createCustomMap(MAP KEY_VALUE_GENERIC_TYPE map, STRATEGY KEY_GENERIC_TYPE strategy) { return new CUSTOM_HASH_MAPKV_BRACES(map, strategy); } /** * Helper function to unify code * @param map that should be cloned * @param strategy the Hash Controller * @Type(T) * @ValueType(V) * @return a CustomOpenHashMap thats copies the contents of the provided map * @note the map will be unboxed */ public static GENERIC_KEY_VALUE_BRACES CUSTOM_HASH_MAP KEY_VALUE_GENERIC_TYPE createCustomMap(Map map, STRATEGY KEY_GENERIC_TYPE strategy) { return new CUSTOM_HASH_MAPKV_BRACES(map, strategy); } /** * Helper function to unify code * @param strategy the Hash Controller * @Type(T) * @ValueType(V) * @return a CustomLinkedOpenHashMap */ public static GENERIC_KEY_VALUE_BRACES LINKED_CUSTOM_HASH_MAP KEY_VALUE_GENERIC_TYPE createCustomLinkedMap(STRATEGY KEY_GENERIC_TYPE strategy) { return new LINKED_CUSTOM_HASH_MAPKV_BRACES(strategy); } /** * Helper function to unify code * @param size the minimum capacity of the Map * @param strategy the Hash Controller * @Type(T) * @ValueType(V) * @return a CustomLinkedOpenHashMap with a mimimum capacity */ public static GENERIC_KEY_VALUE_BRACES LINKED_CUSTOM_HASH_MAP KEY_VALUE_GENERIC_TYPE createCustomLinkedMap(int size, STRATEGY KEY_GENERIC_TYPE strategy) { return new LINKED_CUSTOM_HASH_MAPKV_BRACES(size, strategy); } /** * Helper function to unify code * @param keys the keys that should be inserted * @param values the values that should be inserted * @param strategy the Hash Controller * @Type(T) * @ValueType(V) * @throws IllegalStateException if the keys and values do not match in length * @return a CustomLinkedOpenHashMap thats contains the injected values */ public static GENERIC_KEY_VALUE_BRACES LINKED_CUSTOM_HASH_MAP KEY_VALUE_GENERIC_TYPE createCustomLinkedMap(KEY_TYPE[] keys, VALUE_TYPE[] values, STRATEGY KEY_GENERIC_TYPE strategy) { return new LINKED_CUSTOM_HASH_MAPKV_BRACES(keys, values, strategy); } #if !TYPE_OBJECT || !VALUE_OBJECT /** * Helper function to unify code * @param keys the keys that should be inserted * @param values the values that should be inserted * @param strategy the Hash Controller * @Type(T) * @ValueType(V) * @throws IllegalStateException if the keys and values do not match in length * @return a CustomLinkedOpenHashMap thats contains the injected values * @note the keys and values will be unboxed */ public static GENERIC_KEY_VALUE_BRACES LINKED_CUSTOM_HASH_MAP KEY_VALUE_GENERIC_TYPE createCustomLinkedMap(CLASS_TYPE[] keys, CLASS_VALUE_TYPE[] values, STRATEGY KEY_GENERIC_TYPE strategy) { return new LINKED_CUSTOM_HASH_MAPKV_BRACES(keys, values, strategy); } #endif /** * Helper function to unify code * @param map that should be cloned * @param strategy the Hash Controller * @Type(T) * @ValueType(V) * @return a CustomLinkedOpenHashMap thats copies the contents of the provided map */ public static GENERIC_KEY_VALUE_BRACES LINKED_CUSTOM_HASH_MAP KEY_VALUE_GENERIC_TYPE createCustomLinkedMap(MAP KEY_VALUE_GENERIC_TYPE map, STRATEGY KEY_GENERIC_TYPE strategy) { return new LINKED_CUSTOM_HASH_MAPKV_BRACES(map, strategy); } /** * Helper function to unify code * @param map that should be cloned * @param strategy the Hash Controller * @Type(T) * @ValueType(V) * @return a CustomLinkedOpenHashMap thats copies the contents of the provided map * @note the map will be unboxed */ public static GENERIC_KEY_VALUE_BRACES LINKED_CUSTOM_HASH_MAP KEY_VALUE_GENERIC_TYPE createCustomLinkedMap(Map map, STRATEGY KEY_GENERIC_TYPE strategy) { return new LINKED_CUSTOM_HASH_MAPKV_BRACES(map, strategy); } /** * Helper function to unify code * @Type(T) * @ValueType(V) * @return a RBTreeMap */ public static GENERIC_KEY_VALUE_BRACES RB_TREE_MAP KEY_VALUE_GENERIC_TYPE createRBTreeMap() { return new RB_TREE_MAPKV_BRACES(); } /** * Helper function to unify code * @param comp the Sorter of the TreeMap * @Type(T) * @ValueType(V) * @return a RBTreeMap */ public static GENERIC_KEY_VALUE_BRACES RB_TREE_MAP KEY_VALUE_GENERIC_TYPE createRBTreeMap(COMPARATOR KEY_GENERIC_TYPE comp) { return new RB_TREE_MAPKV_BRACES(comp); } /** * Helper function to unify code * @param keys the keys that should be inserted * @param values the values that should be inserted * @param comp the Sorter of the TreeMap * @Type(T) * @ValueType(V) * @throws IllegalStateException if the keys and values do not match in length * @return a RBTreeMap thats contains the injected values */ public static GENERIC_KEY_VALUE_BRACES RB_TREE_MAP KEY_VALUE_GENERIC_TYPE createRBTreeMap(KEY_TYPE[] keys, VALUE_TYPE[] values, COMPARATOR KEY_GENERIC_TYPE comp) { return new RB_TREE_MAPKV_BRACES(keys, values, comp); } #if !TYPE_OBJECT || !VALUE_OBJECT /** * Helper function to unify code * @param keys the keys that should be inserted * @param values the values that should be inserted * @param comp the Sorter of the TreeMap * @Type(T) * @ValueType(V) * @throws IllegalStateException if the keys and values do not match in length * @return a RBTreeMap thats contains the injected values * @note the keys and values will be unboxed */ public static GENERIC_KEY_VALUE_BRACES RB_TREE_MAP KEY_VALUE_GENERIC_TYPE createRBTreeMap(CLASS_TYPE[] keys, CLASS_VALUE_TYPE[] values, COMPARATOR KEY_GENERIC_TYPE comp) { return new RB_TREE_MAPKV_BRACES(keys, values, comp); } #endif /** * Helper function to unify code * @param map that should be cloned * @param comp the Sorter of the TreeMap * @Type(T) * @ValueType(V) * @return a RBTreeMap thats copies the contents of the provided map */ public static GENERIC_KEY_VALUE_BRACES RB_TREE_MAP KEY_VALUE_GENERIC_TYPE createRBTreeMap(MAP KEY_VALUE_GENERIC_TYPE map, COMPARATOR KEY_GENERIC_TYPE comp) { return new RB_TREE_MAPKV_BRACES(map, comp); } /** * Helper function to unify code * @param map that should be cloned * @param comp the Sorter of the TreeMap * @Type(T) * @ValueType(V) * @return a RBTreeMap thats copies the contents of the provided map * @note the map will be unboxed */ public static GENERIC_KEY_VALUE_BRACES RB_TREE_MAP KEY_VALUE_GENERIC_TYPE createRBTreeMap(Map map, COMPARATOR KEY_GENERIC_TYPE comp) { return new RB_TREE_MAPKV_BRACES(map, comp); } /** * Helper function to unify code * @Type(T) * @ValueType(V) * @return a AVLTreeMap */ public static GENERIC_KEY_VALUE_BRACES AVL_TREE_MAP KEY_VALUE_GENERIC_TYPE createAVLTreeMap() { return new AVL_TREE_MAPKV_BRACES(); } /** * Helper function to unify code * @param comp the Sorter of the TreeMap * @Type(T) * @ValueType(V) * @return a AVLTreeMap */ public static GENERIC_KEY_VALUE_BRACES AVL_TREE_MAP KEY_VALUE_GENERIC_TYPE createAVLTreeMap(COMPARATOR KEY_GENERIC_TYPE comp) { return new AVL_TREE_MAPKV_BRACES(comp); } /** * Helper function to unify code * @param keys the keys that should be inserted * @param values the values that should be inserted * @param comp the Sorter of the TreeMap * @Type(T) * @ValueType(V) * @throws IllegalStateException if the keys and values do not match in length * @return a AVLTreeMap thats contains the injected values */ public static GENERIC_KEY_VALUE_BRACES AVL_TREE_MAP KEY_VALUE_GENERIC_TYPE createAVLTreeMap(KEY_TYPE[] keys, VALUE_TYPE[] values, COMPARATOR KEY_GENERIC_TYPE comp) { return new AVL_TREE_MAPKV_BRACES(keys, values, comp); } #if !TYPE_OBJECT || !VALUE_OBJECT /** * Helper function to unify code * @param keys the keys that should be inserted * @param values the values that should be inserted * @param comp the Sorter of the TreeMap * @Type(T) * @ValueType(V) * @throws IllegalStateException if the keys and values do not match in length * @return a AVLTreeMap thats contains the injected values * @note the keys and values will be unboxed */ public static GENERIC_KEY_VALUE_BRACES AVL_TREE_MAP KEY_VALUE_GENERIC_TYPE createAVLTreeMap(CLASS_TYPE[] keys, CLASS_VALUE_TYPE[] values, COMPARATOR KEY_GENERIC_TYPE comp) { return new AVL_TREE_MAPKV_BRACES(keys, values, comp); } #endif /** * Helper function to unify code * @param map that should be cloned * @param comp the Sorter of the TreeMap * @Type(T) * @ValueType(V) * @return a AVLTreeMap thats copies the contents of the provided map */ public static GENERIC_KEY_VALUE_BRACES AVL_TREE_MAP KEY_VALUE_GENERIC_TYPE createAVLTreeMap(MAP KEY_VALUE_GENERIC_TYPE map, COMPARATOR KEY_GENERIC_TYPE comp) { return new AVL_TREE_MAPKV_BRACES(map, comp); } /** * Helper function to unify code * @param map that should be cloned * @param comp the Sorter of the TreeMap * @Type(T) * @ValueType(V) * @return a AVLTreeMap thats copies the contents of the provided map * @note the map will be unboxed */ public static GENERIC_KEY_VALUE_BRACES AVL_TREE_MAP KEY_VALUE_GENERIC_TYPE createAVLTreeMap(Map map, COMPARATOR KEY_GENERIC_TYPE comp) { return new AVL_TREE_MAPKV_BRACES(map, comp); } #endif }