package speiger.src.collections.PACKAGE.sets;

import java.util.NavigableSet;

import speiger.src.collections.PACKAGE.collections.BI_ITERATOR;
import speiger.src.collections.PACKAGE.collections.SPLIT_ITERATOR;
import speiger.src.collections.PACKAGE.utils.SETS;
import speiger.src.collections.PACKAGE.utils.SPLIT_ITERATORS;

 * A Type Specific Navigable Set interface with a couple helper methods
 * @Type(T)
	 * A Type Specific lower method to reduce boxing/unboxing.
	 * @param key that should be compared with.
	 * @return the greatest lower key that can be found
	public KEY_TYPE lower(KEY_TYPE key);
	 * A Type Specific higher method to reduce boxing/unboxing.
	 * @param key that should be compared with.
	 * @return the lowest higher key that can be found
	public KEY_TYPE higher(KEY_TYPE key);
	 * A Type Specific floor method to reduce boxing/unboxing.
	 * @param key that should be compared with.
	 * @return the greatest lower or equal key that can be found
	public KEY_TYPE floor(KEY_TYPE key);
	 * A Type Specific ceiling method to reduce boxing/unboxing.
	 * @param key that should be compared with.
	 * @return the lowest higher or equal key that can be found
	public KEY_TYPE ceiling(KEY_TYPE key);
	 * A Helper method to set the max value for SubSets. (Default: KEY_TYPE.MIN_VALUE)
	 * @param e the new max value
	public void setDefaultMaxValue(KEY_TYPE e);
	 * A Helper method to get the max value for SubSets.
	 * @return the default max value.
	public KEY_TYPE getDefaultMaxValue();
	 * A Helper method to set the min value for SubSets. (Default: KEY_TYPE.MAX_VALUE)
	 * @param e the new min value
	public void setDefaultMinValue(KEY_TYPE e);
	 * A Helper method to get the min value for SubSets.
	 * @return the default min value.
	public KEY_TYPE getDefaultMinValue();
	public default NAVIGABLE_SET KEY_GENERIC_TYPE subSet(KEY_TYPE fromElement, KEY_TYPE toElement) { return subSet(fromElement, true, toElement, false); }
	public default NAVIGABLE_SET KEY_GENERIC_TYPE headSet(KEY_TYPE toElement) { return headSet(toElement, false); }
	public default NAVIGABLE_SET KEY_GENERIC_TYPE tailSet(KEY_TYPE fromElement) { return tailSet(fromElement, true); }
	 * A Type Specific SubSet method to reduce boxing/unboxing
	 * @param fromElement where the SubSet should start
	 * @param fromInclusive if the fromElement is inclusive or not
	 * @param toElement where the SubSet should end
	 * @param toInclusive if the toElement is inclusive or not
	 * @return a SubSet that is within the range of the desired range
	public NAVIGABLE_SET KEY_GENERIC_TYPE subSet(KEY_TYPE fromElement, boolean fromInclusive, KEY_TYPE toElement, boolean toInclusive);
	 * A Type Specific HeadSet method to reduce boxing/unboxing
	 * @param toElement where the HeadSet should end
	 * @param inclusive if the toElement is inclusive or not
	 * @return a HeadSet that is within the range of the desired range
	public NAVIGABLE_SET KEY_GENERIC_TYPE headSet(KEY_TYPE toElement, boolean inclusive);
	 * A Type Specific TailSet method to reduce boxing/unboxing
	 * @param fromElement where the TailSet should start
	 * @param inclusive if the fromElement is inclusive or not
	 * @return a TailSet that is within the range of the desired range
	public NAVIGABLE_SET KEY_GENERIC_TYPE tailSet(KEY_TYPE fromElement, boolean inclusive);
	public default NAVIGABLE_SET KEY_GENERIC_TYPE subSet(KEY_TYPE fromElement, KEY_TYPE toElement) { return subSet(fromElement, true, toElement, false); }
	public default NAVIGABLE_SET KEY_GENERIC_TYPE headSet(KEY_TYPE toElement) { return headSet(toElement, false); }
	public default NAVIGABLE_SET KEY_GENERIC_TYPE tailSet(KEY_TYPE fromElement) { return tailSet(fromElement, true); }
	public NAVIGABLE_SET KEY_GENERIC_TYPE subSet(KEY_TYPE fromElement, boolean fromInclusive, KEY_TYPE toElement, boolean toInclusive);
	public NAVIGABLE_SET KEY_GENERIC_TYPE headSet(KEY_TYPE toElement, boolean inclusive);
	public NAVIGABLE_SET KEY_GENERIC_TYPE tailSet(KEY_TYPE fromElement, boolean inclusive);
	/** @return a Type Specific iterator */
	public BI_ITERATOR KEY_GENERIC_TYPE iterator();
	/** @return a Type Specific desendingIterator */
	public BI_ITERATOR KEY_GENERIC_TYPE descendingIterator();
	/** @return a Type Specific desendingSet */
	public NAVIGABLE_SET KEY_GENERIC_TYPE descendingSet();
	 * Creates a Wrapped NavigableSet that is Synchronized
	 * @return a new NavigableSet that is synchronized
	 * @see SETS#synchronize
	public default NAVIGABLE_SET KEY_GENERIC_TYPE synchronize() { return SETS.synchronize(this); }
	 * Creates a Wrapped NavigableSet that is Synchronized
	 * @param mutex is the controller of the synchronization block
	 * @return a new NavigableSet Wrapper that is synchronized
	 * @see SETS#synchronize
	public default NAVIGABLE_SET KEY_GENERIC_TYPE synchronize(Object mutex) { return SETS.synchronize(this, mutex); }
	 * Creates a Wrapped NavigableSet that is unmodifiable
	 * @return a new NavigableSet Wrapper that is unmodifiable
	 * @see SETS#unmodifiable
	public default NAVIGABLE_SET KEY_GENERIC_TYPE unmodifiable() { return SETS.unmodifiable(this); }
	 * A Type Specific Type Splititerator to reduce boxing/unboxing
	 * @return type specific splititerator
	default SPLIT_ITERATOR KEY_GENERIC_TYPE spliterator() { return SPLIT_ITERATORS.createSplititerator(this, 0); }
	public default CLASS_TYPE lower(CLASS_TYPE e) { return KEY_TO_OBJ(lower(OBJ_TO_KEY(e))); }
	public default CLASS_TYPE floor(CLASS_TYPE e) { return KEY_TO_OBJ(floor(OBJ_TO_KEY(e))); }
	public default CLASS_TYPE ceiling(CLASS_TYPE e) { return KEY_TO_OBJ(ceiling(OBJ_TO_KEY(e))); }
	public default CLASS_TYPE higher(CLASS_TYPE e) { return KEY_TO_OBJ(higher(OBJ_TO_KEY(e))); }
	default CLASS_TYPE first() { return SORTED_SET.super.first(); }
	default CLASS_TYPE last() { return SORTED_SET.super.last(); }
	public default CLASS_TYPE pollFirst() { return KEY_TO_OBJ(POLL_FIRST_KEY()); }
	public default CLASS_TYPE pollLast() { return KEY_TO_OBJ(POLL_LAST_KEY()); }
	public default NAVIGABLE_SET KEY_GENERIC_TYPE subSet(CLASS_TYPE fromElement, boolean fromInclusive, CLASS_TYPE toElement, boolean toInclusive) { return subSet(OBJ_TO_KEY(fromElement), fromInclusive, OBJ_TO_KEY(toElement), toInclusive); }
	public default NAVIGABLE_SET KEY_GENERIC_TYPE headSet(CLASS_TYPE toElement, boolean inclusive) { return headSet(OBJ_TO_KEY(toElement), inclusive); }
	public default NAVIGABLE_SET KEY_GENERIC_TYPE tailSet(CLASS_TYPE fromElement, boolean inclusive) { return tailSet(OBJ_TO_KEY(fromElement), inclusive); }
	public default SORTED_SET KEY_GENERIC_TYPE subSet(CLASS_TYPE fromElement, CLASS_TYPE toElement) { return SORTED_SET.super.subSet(fromElement, toElement); }
	public default SORTED_SET KEY_GENERIC_TYPE headSet(CLASS_TYPE toElement) { return SORTED_SET.super.headSet(toElement); }
	public default SORTED_SET KEY_GENERIC_TYPE tailSet(CLASS_TYPE fromElement) { return SORTED_SET.super.tailSet(fromElement); }
