- Added: Coverage Badge - Updated: Changelog. - Changed: Changelog now has info how to obtain the sourcecode. - Added: Over 11 Million Unit Tests to this library to ensure quality. - Added: ArrayList size constructor now throws IllegalStateException if the size parameter is negative - Added: EnumMap specialized forEach implementation. - Added: AbstractMap.remove now delegates to its primitive counterpart. - Added: ConcurrentHashMap now implements ITrimmable - Refactor: Removed a lot of disabled code from ArraySet. - Removed: LinkedList.addAll(index, List) now delegates to LinkedList.addAll(index, Collection) due to no special optimization required. - Fixed: AbstractList.SubList.get/set/swapRemove didn't calculate their List index Properly - Fixed: AbstractList.SubList chains now properly if you create SubLists within SubLists. - Fixed: AbstractList.Iterator.add now respects Immutable/UnmodifiableLists. - Fixed: AbstractList.Iterator.skip/back now keep track of the last returned value for remove function to work properly. - Fixed: CopyOnWriteArrayList.extract/removeElements(int, int) does now proper range checks and remove elements properly. - Fixed: CopyOnWriteArrayList.SubList now works properly. (Reimplemented entirely) - Fixed: CopyOnWriteArrayList.Iterator.previous() was returning the wrong values. - Fixed: CopyOnWriteArrayList.Iterator.skip now skips the right amount of elements and stops where it should. - Fixed: LinkedList.first/last/dequeue/dequeueLast now throws NoSuchElementException when empty instead of IllegalStateException. - Fixed: LinkedList had an edge case where the entire reverse iterator would break if the wrong element was removed. - Fixed: LinkedList.extractElement now returns the correct values. - Fixed: AbstractMap.entrySet().remove(Object) now returns true if defaultReturnValue elements were removed. - Fixed: ConcurrentHashMap.remove(Object, Object) checks if the type matches before comparing against null Values. - Fixed: LinkedHashMap.clearAndTrim() was checking the wrong value for determining the full reset or clearing of a Map. - Fixed: HashMap.trim/clearToTrim() was using the wrong value to determin if something should be done. - Fixed: HashMap now compares empty values (0) against nullKeys when Object Variants of the type are used. - Fixed: ImmutableMap now compares empty values (0) against nullKeys when Object Variants of the type are used. - Fixed: ArrayMap.iterator(key) now throws NoSuchElementException when the element wasn't found. - Fixed: Linked/EnumMap array constructor was creating the wrong size values array. - Fixed: LinkedEnumMap.getAndMoveToFirst/Last was moving elements even if the element wasn't present. - Fixed: AVL/RBTreeMap.getFirst/LastKey was not throwing a NoSuchElementException if the map was empty. - Fixed: Map.Builder wasn't throwing a IllegalStateException when creating a negative size builder. - Fixed: AVL/RBTreeSet.DecendingSet.subSet(from, fromInclusive, to, toInclusive) was creating a corrupt asending subset. - Fixed: ArraySet throws now a IllegalStateException when trying to create it with a negative size. - Fixed: ArraySet.addMoveToLast(key) was crashing when a key was already present. - Fixed: Immutable/LinkedHashSet now keep track of their iteration index properly. - Fixed: LinkedHashSet.moveToFirst/Last(key) would crash if the Set was empty. - Fixed: LinkedHashSet.clearAndTrim() was checking the wrong value for determining the full reset or clearing of a Map. - Fixed: HashSet.trim/clearToTrim() was using the wrong value to determin if something should be done.
816 lines
24 KiB
816 lines
24 KiB
package speiger.src.collections.PACKAGE.sets;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
import java.util.function.BiFunction;
import speiger.src.collections.PACKAGE.collections.COLLECTION;
import speiger.src.collections.PACKAGE.collections.ITERATOR;
import speiger.src.collections.PACKAGE.collections.BI_ITERATOR;
import speiger.src.collections.PACKAGE.functions.CONSUMER;
import speiger.src.collections.objects.functions.consumer.BI_FROM_OBJECT_CONSUMER;
import speiger.src.collections.PACKAGE.functions.function.PREDICATE;
import speiger.src.collections.PACKAGE.functions.function.UNARY_OPERATOR;
import speiger.src.collections.PACKAGE.lists.LIST_ITERATOR;
import speiger.src.collections.PACKAGE.utils.ITERATORS;
import speiger.src.collections.utils.HashUtil;
import speiger.src.collections.utils.SanityChecks;
* A Type Specific LinkedHashMap implementation that uses specific arrays to create links between nodes to remove the wrapping of elements
* to greatly reduce memory usage. In Addition adding some helper methods to move around elements.
* This implementation of SortedSet does not support SubSet of any kind. It implements the interface due to sortability and first/last access
* @Type(T)
/** The Backing array for links between nodes. Left 32 Bits => Previous Entry, Right 32 Bits => Next Entry */
protected transient long[] links;
/** The First Index in the Map */
protected int firstIndex = -1;
/** The Last Index in the Map */
protected int lastIndex = -1;
* Default Constructor
public LINKED_HASH_SET() {
* Constructor that defines the minimum capacity
* @param minCapacity the minimum capacity the HashSet is allowed to be.
* @throws IllegalStateException if the minimum capacity is negative
public LINKED_HASH_SET(int minCapacity) {
this(minCapacity, HashUtil.DEFAULT_LOAD_FACTOR);
* Constructor that defines the minimum capacity and load factor
* @param minCapacity the minimum capacity the HashSet is allowed to be.
* @param loadFactor the percentage of how full the backing array can be before they resize
* @throws IllegalStateException if the minimum capacity is negative
* @throws IllegalStateException if the loadfactor is either below/equal to 0 or above/equal to 1
public LINKED_HASH_SET(int minCapacity, float loadFactor) {
super(minCapacity, loadFactor);
links = new long[nullIndex + 1];
* Helper constructor that allow to create a set from unboxed values
* @param array the elements that should be put into the set
public LINKED_HASH_SET(KEY_TYPE[] array) {
this(array, 0, array.length, HashUtil.DEFAULT_LOAD_FACTOR);
* Helper constructor that allow to create a set from unboxed values
* @param array the elements that should be put into the set
* @param loadFactor the percentage of how full the backing array can be before they resize
* @throws IllegalStateException if the loadfactor is either below/equal to 0 or above/equal to 1
public LINKED_HASH_SET(KEY_TYPE[] array, float loadFactor) {
this(array, 0, array.length, loadFactor);
* Helper constructor that allow to create a set from unboxed values
* @param array the elements that should be put into the set
* @param offset the starting index within the array that should be used
* @param length the amount of elements used from the array
* @throws IllegalStateException if offset and length causes to step outside of the arrays range
public LINKED_HASH_SET(KEY_TYPE[] array, int offset, int length) {
this(array, offset, length, HashUtil.DEFAULT_LOAD_FACTOR);
* Helper constructor that allow to create a set from unboxed values
* @param array the elements that should be put into the set
* @param offset the starting index within the array that should be used
* @param length the amount of elements used from the array
* @param loadFactor the percentage of how full the backing array can be before they resize
* @throws IllegalStateException if the loadfactor is either below/equal to 0 or above/equal to 1
* @throws IllegalStateException if offset and length causes to step outside of the arrays range
public LINKED_HASH_SET(KEY_TYPE[] array, int offset, int length, float loadFactor) {
SanityChecks.checkArrayCapacity(array.length, offset, length);
for(int i = 0;i<length;i++) add(array[offset+i]);
* A Helper constructor that allows to create a Set with exactly the same values as the provided collection.
* @param collection the set the elements should be added to the Set
public LINKED_HASH_SET(Collection<? extends CLASS_TYPE> collection) {
this(collection, HashUtil.DEFAULT_LOAD_FACTOR);
* A Helper constructor that allows to create a Set with exactly the same values as the provided collection.
* @param collection the set the elements should be added to the Set
* @param loadFactor the percentage of how full the backing array can be before they resize
* @throws IllegalStateException if the loadfactor is either below/equal to 0 or above/equal to 1
public LINKED_HASH_SET(Collection<? extends CLASS_TYPE> collection, float loadFactor) {
this(collection.size(), loadFactor);
* A Helper constructor that allows to create a Set with exactly the same values as the provided collection.
* @param collection the set the elements should be added to the Set
this(collection, HashUtil.DEFAULT_LOAD_FACTOR);
* A Helper constructor that allows to create a Set with exactly the same values as the provided collection.
* @param collection the set the elements should be added to the Set
* @param loadFactor the percentage of how full the backing array can be before they resize
* @throws IllegalStateException if the loadfactor is either below/equal to 0 or above/equal to 1
public LINKED_HASH_SET(COLLECTION KEY_GENERIC_TYPE collection, float loadFactor) {
* A Helper constructor that allows to create a set from a iterator of an unknown size
* @param iterator the elements that should be added to the set
public LINKED_HASH_SET(Iterator<CLASS_TYPE> iterator) {
this(iterator, HashUtil.DEFAULT_LOAD_FACTOR);
* A Helper constructor that allows to create a set from a iterator of an unknown size
* @param iterator the elements that should be added to the set
* @param loadFactor the percentage of how full the backing array can be before they resize
* @throws IllegalStateException if the loadfactor is either below/equal to 0 or above/equal to 1
public LINKED_HASH_SET(Iterator<CLASS_TYPE> iterator, float loadFactor) {
this(ITERATORS.wrap(iterator), loadFactor);
this(HashUtil.DEFAULT_MIN_CAPACITY, loadFactor);
while(iterator.hasNext()) add(iterator.next());
* A Helper constructor that allows to create a set from a iterator of an unknown size
* @param iterator the elements that should be added to the set
this(iterator, HashUtil.DEFAULT_LOAD_FACTOR);
* A Helper constructor that allows to create a set from a iterator of an unknown size
* @param iterator the elements that should be added to the set
* @param loadFactor the percentage of how full the backing array can be before they resize
* @throws IllegalStateException if the loadfactor is either below/equal to 0 or above/equal to 1
public LINKED_HASH_SET(ITERATOR KEY_GENERIC_TYPE iterator, float loadFactor) {
this(HashUtil.DEFAULT_MIN_CAPACITY, loadFactor);
while(iterator.hasNext()) add(iterator.NEXT());
public boolean addAndMoveToFirst(KEY_TYPE o) {
if(containsNull) {
return false;
containsNull = true;
else {
int pos = HashUtil.mix(KEY_TO_HASH(o)) & mask;
while(KEY_EQUALS_NOT_NULL(keys[pos])) {
if(KEY_EQUALS(keys[pos], o)) {
return false;
pos = ++pos & mask;
keys[pos] = o;
if(size++ >= maxFill) rehash(HashUtil.arraySize(size+1, loadFactor));
return true;
public boolean addAndMoveToLast(KEY_TYPE o) {
if(containsNull) {
return false;
containsNull = true;
else {
int pos = HashUtil.mix(KEY_TO_HASH(o)) & mask;
while(KEY_EQUALS_NOT_NULL(keys[pos])) {
if(KEY_EQUALS(keys[pos], o)) {
return false;
pos = ++pos & mask;
keys[pos] = o;
if(size++ >= maxFill) rehash(HashUtil.arraySize(size+1, loadFactor));
return true;
public boolean moveToFirst(KEY_TYPE o) {
if(isEmpty() || KEY_EQUALS(FIRST_KEY(), o)) return false;
if(containsNull) {
return true;
else {
int pos = HashUtil.mix(KEY_TO_HASH(o)) & mask;
while(KEY_EQUALS_NOT_NULL(keys[pos])) {
if(KEY_EQUALS(keys[pos], o)) {
return true;
pos = ++pos & mask;
return false;
public boolean moveToLast(KEY_TYPE o) {
if(isEmpty() || KEY_EQUALS(LAST_KEY(), o)) return false;
if(containsNull) {
return true;
else {
int pos = HashUtil.mix(KEY_TO_HASH(o)) & mask;
while(KEY_EQUALS_NOT_NULL(keys[pos])) {
if(KEY_EQUALS(keys[pos], o)) {
return true;
pos = ++pos & mask;
return false;
protected void moveToFirstIndex(int startPos) {
if(size == 1 || firstIndex == startPos) return;
if(lastIndex == startPos) {
lastIndex = (int)(links[startPos] >>> 32);
links[lastIndex] |= 0xFFFFFFFFL;
else {
long link = links[startPos];
int prev = (int)(link >>> 32);
int next = (int)link;
links[prev] ^= ((links[prev] ^ (link & 0xFFFFFFFFL)) & 0xFFFFFFFFL);
links[next] ^= ((links[next] ^ (link & 0xFFFFFFFF00000000L)) & 0xFFFFFFFF00000000L);
links[firstIndex] ^= ((links[firstIndex] ^ ((startPos & 0xFFFFFFFFL) << 32)) & 0xFFFFFFFF00000000L);
links[startPos] = 0xFFFFFFFF00000000L | (firstIndex & 0xFFFFFFFFL);
firstIndex = startPos;
protected void moveToLastIndex(int startPos) {
if(size == 1 || lastIndex == startPos) return;
if(firstIndex == startPos) {
firstIndex = (int)links[startPos];
links[lastIndex] |= 0xFFFFFFFF00000000L;
else {
long link = links[startPos];
int prev = (int)(link >>> 32);
int next = (int)link;
links[prev] ^= ((links[prev] ^ (link & 0xFFFFFFFFL)) & 0xFFFFFFFFL);
links[next] ^= ((links[next] ^ (link & 0xFFFFFFFF00000000L)) & 0xFFFFFFFF00000000L);
links[lastIndex] ^= ((links[lastIndex] ^ (startPos & 0xFFFFFFFFL)) & 0xFFFFFFFFL);
links[startPos] = ((lastIndex & 0xFFFFFFFFL) << 32) | 0xFFFFFFFFL;
lastIndex = startPos;
if(size == 0) throw new NoSuchElementException();
return keys[firstIndex];
if(size == 0) throw new NoSuchElementException();
int pos = firstIndex;
KEY_TYPE result = keys[pos];
if(KEY_EQUALS_NULL(result)) {
containsNull = false;
keys[nullIndex] = EMPTY_KEY_VALUE;
else shiftKeys(pos);
if(nullIndex > minCapacity && size < maxFill / 4 && nullIndex > HashUtil.DEFAULT_MIN_CAPACITY) rehash(nullIndex / 2);
return result;
public KEY_TYPE LAST_KEY() {
if(size == 0) throw new NoSuchElementException();
return keys[lastIndex];
if(size == 0) throw new NoSuchElementException();
int pos = lastIndex;
KEY_TYPE result = keys[pos];
if(KEY_EQUALS_NULL(result)) {
containsNull = false;
keys[nullIndex] = EMPTY_KEY_VALUE;
else shiftKeys(pos);
if(nullIndex > minCapacity && size < maxFill / 4 && nullIndex > HashUtil.DEFAULT_MIN_CAPACITY) rehash(nullIndex / 2);
return result;
public void forEach(CONSUMER KEY_SUPER_GENERIC_TYPE action) {
int index = firstIndex;
while(index != -1){
index = (int)links[index];
public <E> void forEach(E input, BI_FROM_OBJECT_CONSUMER KSK_GENERIC_TYPE<E> action) {
int index = firstIndex;
while(index != -1) {
action.accept(input, keys[index]);
index = (int)links[index];
public boolean matchesAny(PREDICATE KEY_GENERIC_TYPE filter) {
int index = firstIndex;
while(index != -1) {
if(filter.TEST_VALUE(keys[index])) return true;
index = (int)links[index];
return false;
public boolean matchesNone(PREDICATE KEY_GENERIC_TYPE filter) {
int index = firstIndex;
while(index != -1) {
if(filter.TEST_VALUE(keys[index])) return false;
index = (int)links[index];
return true;
public boolean matchesAll(PREDICATE KEY_GENERIC_TYPE filter) {
int index = firstIndex;
while(index != -1) {
if(!filter.TEST_VALUE(keys[index])) return false;
index = (int)links[index];
return true;
public KEY_TYPE reduce(KEY_TYPE identity, UNARY_OPERATOR KEY_KEY_GENERIC_TYPE operator) {
KEY_TYPE state = identity;
int index = firstIndex;
while(index != -1) {
state = operator.APPLY_VALUE(state, keys[index]);
index = (int)links[index];
return state;
KEY_SPECIAL_TYPE state = identity;
int index = firstIndex;
while(index != -1) {
state = operator.APPLY_VALUE(state, keys[index]);
index = (int)links[index];
return state;
boolean empty = true;
int index = firstIndex;
while(index != -1) {
if(empty) {
state = keys[index];
empty = false;
else state = operator.APPLY_VALUE(state, keys[index]);
index = (int)links[index];
return state;
public KEY_TYPE findFirst(PREDICATE KEY_GENERIC_TYPE filter) {
int index = firstIndex;
while(index != -1) {
if(filter.TEST_VALUE(keys[index])) return keys[index];
index = (int)links[index];
public int count(PREDICATE KEY_GENERIC_TYPE filter) {
int result = 0;
int index = firstIndex;
while(index != -1) {
if(filter.TEST_VALUE(keys[index])) result++;
index = (int)links[index];
return result;
protected void onNodeAdded(int pos) {
if(size == 0) {
firstIndex = lastIndex = pos;
links[pos] = -1L;
else {
links[lastIndex] ^= ((links[lastIndex] ^ (pos & 0xFFFFFFFFL)) & 0xFFFFFFFFL);
links[pos] = ((lastIndex & 0xFFFFFFFFL) << 32) | 0xFFFFFFFFL;
lastIndex = pos;
protected void onNodeRemoved(int pos) {
if(size == 0) firstIndex = lastIndex = -1;
else if(firstIndex == pos) {
firstIndex = (int)links[pos];
if(0 <= firstIndex) links[firstIndex] |= 0xFFFFFFFF00000000L;
else if(lastIndex == pos) {
lastIndex = (int)(links[pos] >>> 32);
if(0 <= lastIndex) links[lastIndex] |= 0xFFFFFFFFL;
else {
long link = links[pos];
int prev = (int)(link >>> 32);
int next = (int)link;
links[prev] ^= ((links[prev] ^ (link & 0xFFFFFFFFL)) & 0xFFFFFFFFL);
links[next] ^= ((links[next] ^ (link & 0xFFFFFFFF00000000L)) & 0xFFFFFFFF00000000L);
protected void onNodeMoved(int from, int to) {
if(size == 1) {
firstIndex = lastIndex = to;
links[to] = -1L;
else if(firstIndex == from) {
firstIndex = to;
links[(int)links[from]] ^= ((links[(int)links[from]] ^ ((to & 0xFFFFFFFFL) << 32)) & 0xFFFFFFFF00000000L);
links[to] = links[from];
else if(lastIndex == from) {
lastIndex = to;
links[(int)(links[from] >>> 32)] ^= ((links[(int)(links[from] >>> 32)] ^ (to & 0xFFFFFFFFL)) & 0xFFFFFFFFL);
links[to] = links[from];
else {
long link = links[from];
int prev = (int)(link >>> 32);
int next = (int)link;
links[prev] ^= ((links[prev] ^ (to & 0xFFFFFFFFL)) & 0xFFFFFFFFL);
links[next] ^= ((links[next] ^ ((to & 0xFFFFFFFFL) << 32)) & 0xFFFFFFFF00000000L);
links[to] = link;
protected void rehash(int newSize) {
int newMask = newSize - 1;
KEY_TYPE[] newKeys = NEW_KEY_ARRAY(newSize + 1);
long[] newLinks = new long[newSize + 1];
int i = firstIndex, prev = -1, newPrev = -1, pos;
firstIndex = -1;
for(int j = size; j-- != 0;) {
if(KEY_EQUALS_NULL(keys[i])) pos = newSize;
else {
pos = HashUtil.mix(KEY_TO_HASH(keys[i])) & newMask;
while(KEY_EQUALS_NOT_NULL(newKeys[pos])) pos = ++pos & newMask;
newKeys[pos] = keys[i];
if(prev != -1) {
newLinks[newPrev] ^= ((newLinks[newPrev] ^ (pos & 0xFFFFFFFFL)) & 0xFFFFFFFFL);
newLinks[pos] ^= ((newLinks[pos] ^ ((newPrev & 0xFFFFFFFFL) << 32)) & 0xFFFFFFFF00000000L);
newPrev = pos;
else {
newPrev = firstIndex = pos;
newLinks[pos] = -1L;
i = (int)links[prev = i];
links = newLinks;
lastIndex = newPrev;
if(newPrev != -1) newLinks[newPrev] |= 0xFFFFFFFFL;
nullIndex = newSize;
mask = newMask;
maxFill = Math.min((int)Math.ceil(nullIndex * loadFactor), nullIndex - 1);
keys = newKeys;
public void clear() {
firstIndex = lastIndex = -1;
public void clearAndTrim(int size) {
int request = Math.max(minCapacity, HashUtil.nextPowerOfTwo((int)Math.ceil(size / loadFactor)));
if(request >= nullIndex) {
nullIndex = request;
mask = request-1;
maxFill = Math.min((int)Math.ceil(nullIndex * loadFactor), nullIndex - 1);
keys = NEW_KEY_ARRAY(request + 1);
links = new long[request + 1];
firstIndex = lastIndex = -1;
this.size = 0;
containsNull = false;
return new SetIterator();
public BI_ITERATOR KEY_GENERIC_TYPE iterator(KEY_TYPE fromElement) {
return new SetIterator(fromElement);
set.minCapacity = minCapacity;
set.mask = mask;
set.maxFill = maxFill;
set.nullIndex = nullIndex;
set.containsNull = containsNull;
set.size = size;
set.keys = Arrays.copyOf(keys, keys.length);
set.links = Arrays.copyOf(links, links.length);
set.firstIndex = firstIndex;
set.lastIndex = lastIndex;
return set;
private class SetIterator implements LIST_ITERATOR KEY_GENERIC_TYPE {
int previous = -1;
int next = -1;
int current = -1;
int index = 0;
SetIterator() {
next = firstIndex;
SetIterator(KEY_TYPE from) {
if(KEY_EQUALS_NULL(from)) {
if(containsNull) {
next = (int) links[nullIndex];
previous = nullIndex;
else throw new NoSuchElementException("The null element is not in the set");
else if(KEY_EQUALS(keys[lastIndex], from)) {
previous = lastIndex;
index = size;
else {
int pos = HashUtil.mix(KEY_TO_HASH(from)) & mask;
while(KEY_EQUALS_NOT_NULL(keys[pos])) {
if(KEY_EQUALS(keys[pos], from)) {
next = (int)links[pos];
previous = pos;
pos = ++pos & mask;
if(previous == -1 && next == -1)
throw new NoSuchElementException("The element was not found");
public int skip(int amount) {
int result = 0;
while(next != -1 && result != amount) {
current = previous = next;
next = (int)(links[current]);
if(index >= 0) index+=result;
return result;
public int back(int amount) {
int result = 0;
while(previous != -1 && result != amount) {
current = next = previous;
previous = (int)(links[current] >> 32);
if(index >= 0) index-=result;
return result;
public boolean hasNext() {
return next != -1;
public boolean hasPrevious() {
return previous != -1;
public int nextIndex() {
return index;
public int previousIndex() {
return index - 1;
public void remove() {
if(current == -1) throw new IllegalStateException();
if(current == previous) {
previous = (int)(links[current] >>> 32);
else next = (int)links[current];
if(previous == -1) firstIndex = next;
else links[previous] ^= ((links[previous] ^ (next & 0xFFFFFFFFL)) & 0xFFFFFFFFL);
if (next == -1) lastIndex = previous;
else links[next] ^= ((links[next] ^ ((previous & 0xFFFFFFFFL) << 32)) & 0xFFFFFFFF00000000L);
if(current == nullIndex) {
current = -1;
containsNull = false;
keys[nullIndex] = EMPTY_KEY_VALUE;
else {
int slot, last, startPos = current;
current = -1;
KEY_TYPE current;
while(true) {
startPos = ((last = startPos) + 1) & mask;
if(KEY_EQUALS_NULL((current = keys[startPos]))) {
keys[last] = EMPTY_KEY_VALUE;
slot = HashUtil.mix(KEY_TO_HASH(current)) & mask;
if(last <= startPos ? (last >= slot || slot > startPos) : (last >= slot && slot > startPos)) break;
startPos = ++startPos & mask;
keys[last] = current;
if(next == startPos) next = last;
if(previous == startPos) previous = last;
onNodeMoved(startPos, last);
if(!hasPrevious()) throw new NoSuchElementException();
current = next = previous;
previous = (int)(links[current] >> 32);
if(index >= 0) index--;
return keys[current];
public KEY_TYPE NEXT() {
if(!hasNext()) throw new NoSuchElementException();
current = previous = next;
next = (int)(links[current]);
if(index >= 0) index++;
return keys[current];
private void ensureIndexKnown() {
if(index == -1) {
if(previous == -1) {
index = 0;
else if(next == -1) {
index = size;
else {
index = 1;
for(int pos = firstIndex;pos != previous;pos = (int)links[pos], index++);
public void set(Object e) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); }
public void add(Object e) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); }
public void set(KEY_TYPE e) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); }
public void add(KEY_TYPE e) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); }