Commit Graph

32 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Speiger 57280b8285 Map Generation can now be turned off. 2022-12-06 03:05:58 +01:00
Speiger 99e9afe7b1 Started working on the next patch.
- Added: ISizeProvider interface (Optimization Helper)
- Added: ISizeProvider into most Iterable implementations
(Distinct/Filter/FlatMap/ArrayFlatMap don't support it, for obvious
- Added: ToArray function into Iterable which uses ISizeProvider to
reduce overhead of duplicating arrays.
- Fixed: putIfAbsent now replaces defaultValues
2022-11-20 08:56:23 +01:00
Speiger ddc58ee221 Version 0.7.0 Release
- Added: Coverage Badge
- Updated: Changelog.
- Changed: Changelog now has info how to obtain the sourcecode.
- Added: Over 11 Million Unit Tests to this library to ensure quality.
- Added: ArrayList size constructor now throws IllegalStateException if
the size parameter is negative
- Added: EnumMap specialized forEach implementation.
- Added: AbstractMap.remove now delegates to its primitive counterpart.
- Added: ConcurrentHashMap now implements ITrimmable
- Refactor: Removed a lot of disabled code from ArraySet.
- Removed: LinkedList.addAll(index, List) now delegates to
LinkedList.addAll(index, Collection) due to no special optimization
- Fixed: AbstractList.SubList.get/set/swapRemove didn't calculate their
List index Properly
- Fixed: AbstractList.SubList chains now properly if you create SubLists
within SubLists.
- Fixed: AbstractList.Iterator.add now respects
- Fixed: AbstractList.Iterator.skip/back now keep track of the last
returned value for remove function to work properly.
- Fixed: CopyOnWriteArrayList.extract/removeElements(int, int) does now
proper range checks and remove elements properly.
- Fixed: CopyOnWriteArrayList.SubList now works properly. (Reimplemented
- Fixed: CopyOnWriteArrayList.Iterator.previous() was returning the
wrong values.
- Fixed: CopyOnWriteArrayList.Iterator.skip now skips the right amount
of elements and stops where it should.
- Fixed: LinkedList.first/last/dequeue/dequeueLast now throws
NoSuchElementException when empty instead of IllegalStateException.
- Fixed: LinkedList had an edge case where the entire reverse iterator
would break if the wrong element was removed.
- Fixed: LinkedList.extractElement now returns the correct values.
- Fixed: AbstractMap.entrySet().remove(Object) now returns true if
defaultReturnValue elements were removed.
- Fixed: ConcurrentHashMap.remove(Object, Object) checks if the type
matches before comparing against null Values.
- Fixed: LinkedHashMap.clearAndTrim() was checking the wrong value for
determining the full reset or clearing of a Map.
- Fixed: HashMap.trim/clearToTrim() was using the wrong value to
determin if something should be done.
- Fixed: HashMap now compares empty values (0) against nullKeys when
Object Variants of the type are used.
- Fixed: ImmutableMap now compares empty values (0) against nullKeys
when Object Variants of the type are used.
- Fixed: ArrayMap.iterator(key) now throws NoSuchElementException when
the element wasn't found.
- Fixed: Linked/EnumMap array constructor was creating the wrong size
values array.
- Fixed: LinkedEnumMap.getAndMoveToFirst/Last was moving elements even
if the element wasn't present.
- Fixed: AVL/RBTreeMap.getFirst/LastKey was not throwing a
NoSuchElementException if the map was empty.
- Fixed: Map.Builder wasn't throwing a IllegalStateException when
creating a negative size builder.
- Fixed: AVL/RBTreeSet.DecendingSet.subSet(from, fromInclusive, to,
toInclusive) was creating a corrupt asending subset.
- Fixed: ArraySet throws now a IllegalStateException when trying to
create it with a negative size.
- Fixed: ArraySet.addMoveToLast(key) was crashing when a key was already
- Fixed: Immutable/LinkedHashSet now keep track of their iteration index
- Fixed: LinkedHashSet.moveToFirst/Last(key) would crash if the Set was
- Fixed: LinkedHashSet.clearAndTrim() was checking the wrong value for
determining the full reset or clearing of a Map.
- Fixed: HashSet.trim/clearToTrim() was using the wrong value to
determin if something should be done.
2022-06-12 14:31:45 +02:00
Speiger 8b5e5a75c1 Fixing bugs found when implementing Bidirectional Iterator unit tests.
-Fixed: AbstractList/ImmutableList/ArraySet/ArrayMap skip/back implementation was causing crashes and didn't update the last returned value.
-Fixed: ArraySet/ArrayMap previous was not subtracting before returning value.
-Fixed: BidirectionalIterator back was calling the object variant instead of the TypeSpecific Variant.
-Fixed: TreeSets/Maps Iterator now fully supports backwards Iterating.
-Added: Specialized skip/back function to improve speed in ImmutableHashSet/LinkedHashSet/CustomLinkedHashSet
2022-06-04 21:05:31 +02:00
Speiger 086d933a0d Small fixes
-Fixed: NavigableMap.keySet is now a NavigableSet instead of a sorted one.
-Started: Trying to fix wrappers.
2022-06-02 14:59:39 +02:00
Speiger 27ad01657d More fixes from Unit tests.
-Fixed: ArrayList/LinkedList extractElements crashing when 0 or less elements are desired.
-Fixed: TreeMap pollFirst/LastKey should return the defaultMin/max value instead of a Empty value.
-Fixed: TreeMap keySet implementation was missing the class type implementations to pass keySet tests.
-Fixed: TreeMap.SubMap Iterator (primitive Keys) was crashing because a Null was set on to a primitive.
2022-05-27 16:35:41 +02:00
Speiger 31b34f5de1 Fixed a couple bugs.
-Fixed: TreeMap.subMap().entrySet().remove() wouldn't check primitives properly.
-Fixed: SortedMap.sub/tail/headMap were looping into themselves.
-Changed: LinkedList.addBulk variable definition was triggering a false positive.
2022-05-17 07:59:57 +02:00
Speiger 3d6cbf5ac1 Finishing touches for the 0.6.0 release. 2022-04-14 07:29:32 +02:00
Speiger 7a4a0f05d1 Added subFrom (which is the inverse of addTo) 2021-12-25 20:07:37 +01:00
Speiger 59a417056c Added Missing method & fixed potential issue with TreeSetBiIterators 2021-12-13 13:56:28 +01:00
Speiger caf2f22e9f Finished the Basic Unit test frame work to ensure stablity.
-Added: 150k Unit tests.
-Fixed: Reworked the NavigableSet/Map implementations of RBTree/AVLTree/Array Sets/Maps
2021-12-13 10:41:20 +01:00
Speiger e1df59d512 We are now to 16k tests. Fixed loads of issues.
-Added: Tests for Lists and Sets.
-Fixed: SubLists are now stable (they weren't before)
-Fixed: All the bugs that the unit tests found so far.
-Updated: ReadMe/Changelog
2021-12-11 12:53:58 +01:00
Speiger eaa45976c7 Added over 6k tests...
- Fixed: ImmutableMaps issues thanks to the tests. Roughly the same as
the rest of the maps
- Fixed: RB/AVLTreeMaps issues. Roughly the same as the rest of the maps
2021-12-10 10:55:16 +01:00
Speiger a25ec85ba2 Added Reduce function to all implementations 2021-10-29 16:03:39 +02:00
Speiger 61d7a88c82 Maps are now copyable too 2021-10-06 18:32:10 +02:00
Speiger 6eded1f4be Sets are now Copyable 2021-10-06 17:43:46 +02:00
Speiger 07abba6312 New Features
-Added: Count method for Iterable
-Fixed: A couple of bugs with the new stream removers not working well in LinkedCollections
2021-09-28 13:20:05 +02:00
Speiger 3f872463b6 Fixed a Rule Break with the new ComputeIfAbsent function 2021-09-28 12:26:44 +02:00
Speiger 531443531d New Features.
-Added: Suppliers.
-Added: ComputeIfAbsent but value generator is a supplier
2021-09-28 12:06:51 +02:00
Speiger 0e061921e9 New Features and improvements
-Added: addAll array function.
-Fixed: forEach with input now puts the input at the key instead of value
2021-09-28 03:23:21 +02:00
Speiger bc7afad793 Last Minute Fixes 2021-09-20 00:52:23 +02:00
Speiger 6e30a54ead Cleanup Space are now converted into tabs. 2021-09-19 19:38:05 +02:00
Speiger 5b67e85009 RBTreeMap got now the same improvements like AVLTreeMap 2021-09-19 17:41:54 +02:00
Speiger 796cd7c007 New Implementations & Fixes (Tree Maps get soon more love too)
-Added: New Implementations for new Iterable functions.
-Fixed: Reduced the Conditional Code by adding better Variables.
-Changed: Removed a lot of duplicated for each methods.
2021-09-16 02:57:09 +02:00
Speiger c9cd62f5d7 New Fixes
- Fixed: Compute/ComputeIfAbsent/ComputeIfPresent/Merge/BulkMerge in
maps now behave like they should.
2021-09-15 05:44:19 +02:00
Speiger b55b049508 Another set of changes.
- Changed: Maps.remove function is no longer using Suffixes unless its
absolutely necessary.
- Changed: ObjectList methods are no longer marked Deprecated even so it
was for primitive ones.
2021-06-23 19:58:31 +02:00
Speiger 57baeb261e Added Implementation specific functions to speed up logic. 2021-05-28 22:10:30 +02:00
Speiger 7fcfecf308 New Features.
-Added: removeOrDefault function
-Added: New functions into implementations
2021-05-22 05:50:40 +02:00
Speiger a9a38f7853 Finished first loop of JavaDoc generation.
-Fixed: A couple bugs that were found during javadoc generation.

Next loop of javadoc comes later right now i want to add splititerators
and streams
2021-04-26 22:25:09 +02:00
Speiger 0017697b07 Adding more JavaDoc (fixing roughly 8k javadoc errors)
-Added: JavaDocs to Map classes/constructors
-Added: JavaDocs to the Maps Class
2021-04-25 21:37:22 +02:00
Speiger 0b11c3929a Map Tests & BugFixes.
-Added: Tests for all map implementations.
-Added: Missing Map Constructors.
-Fixed: Bugs with Maps & Sets.
-Fixed: Gradle Java Container.
-Fixed: Some javadoc stuff.
-Note: SubMap/List implementation are not really well tested and most likely buggy
-Changed: set JavaDoc to be quiet for now. Later goal.
2021-04-22 23:02:04 +02:00
Speiger aaee550ea9 Project is now buildable.
-Moved: Code generation is in its own sourceset.
-Fixed: Bugs that caused that the project isnt buildable.
-Changed: Made build.gradle to a standard.
2021-01-29 11:41:48 +01:00