- Fixed: Bugs with Queues starting with the wrong size
- Fixed: ArrayGrowth for Queues was +1 instead of +50%
- Added: Benchmarks with java and FastUtil
- Added: Guava TestSuit
- Fixed: HashCode and toString method would crash if the Object
Key/Value was null
- Added: AbstractTypeCollection now delegates the contains check to
type-specific Collections if it detects it.
- Fixed: Map.Entry toString wasn't writing values not like it should do.
- Fixed: Set.hashCode now is the sum of the elements instead of a Unique
HashCode based on the elements.
- Fixed: Added missing NonNull Checks.
- Fixed: OpenHashMap.containsValue implementation was wrong.
- Fixed: OpenHashMap.compute/present/absent now works how it is
specified in the Java Documentation
- Fixed: OpenHashMap.merge/BulkMerge now works how it is specified in
the Java Documentation
- Fixed: OpenHashMap.keySet.remove was causing a infinite loop.
- Fixed: OpenHashMap.mapIterator now no longer crashes in certain cases.
- Added: Tests for the new Stream replace functions to ensure no bugs
are left.
- Fixed: Custom HashSet reduce function with a default value was
checking incorrectly for present keys.
- Fixed: ObjectArrayList.of was causing crashes because of a Poor
- Added: Unsorted HashMaps/Sets now throw Concurrent exceptions if they
were modified during a rehash.
- Added: Array/Collection version of enqueue and enqueueFirst to
- Added: fillBuffer function into PrimitiveLists which allow to optimize
JavaNio buffers if needed.
- Added: Wrapper now support the Optimized Lambda replacer functions to
improve performance.
- Added: FIFO Queue has now a minimum capacity and that is now checked
more consistently.
- Added: Changelog & Version Bump
-Added: New Changes to Changelog
-Fixed: Missing Autogenerated Type
-Cleanup: Gradle file got cleaned up from things it no longer needs.
-Changed: Upgraded to SCG 1.0.5 for incoming new features.
- Fixed: containsKey & containsValue in HashMaps were deprecated for
Object Variants.
- Fixed: HashMap wasn't deleting Keys & Values references when removing
a Object
- Fixed: AVLTreeSet didn't balance properly.
- Changed: EnumMap no longer tries to access SharedSecrets since its
gone in java11
- Changed: Maps.remove function is no longer using Suffixes unless its
absolutely necessary.
- Changed: ObjectList methods are no longer marked Deprecated even so it
was for primitive ones.
-Added: JavaDoc for Map Interfaces.
-Added: JavaDoc for Abstract Map/Collection/Set
-Added: Ignore JavaDoc for tests/builder code.
-Added: More JavaDoc for Arrays.
-Added: Tests for all map implementations.
-Added: Missing Map Constructors.
-Fixed: Bugs with Maps & Sets.
-Fixed: Gradle Java Container.
-Fixed: Some javadoc stuff.
-Note: SubMap/List implementation are not really well tested and most likely buggy
-Changed: set JavaDoc to be quiet for now. Later goal.
-Added: Eclipse Plugin in gradle
-Refactored: KEY & VALUE conversions got refactored a bit to be more consistend and more useable. (It's not perfect)
-Added: AbstractMap