# Primitive-Collections (To be Renamed) This is a Simple Primitive Collections Library i started as a hobby Project. It is based on Java's Collection Library and FastUtil. But its focus is a different one. ## Main Features: ArraysList, HashSet/Map (Linked & HashControl), TreeSet/Map (RB & AVL), Priority Queue. # How to install Using Gradle: ```gradle repositories { maven { url = "https://maven.speiger.com/repository/main" } } dependencies { compile 'de.speiger:Primitive-Collections:0.2.0' } ``` # How to Build The SourceCode can be already generated via: /gradlew.bat generateSource to build the jar /gradlew.bat build do not combine the commands because they can not be executed at the same time. ## Current Down Sides (Random order) - Testing for Sub Maps/Sets/Lists are only in a very basic way tested - Documentation is only present at the lowest level for most cases and needs a typo fixing.