# Rule Sheet This file documents all of the formatting rules that will exist in the Library, to ensure consistency in the Library. Some Base Rules: - Packages should be sorted to approbate folders. To Ensure fast finding of classes and not running through hundreds of classes in 1 package. - Class Header braces always start in new line to help with if a if is needed in the class header. - Otherwise braces should be in the same line as a function name. - If a function could be done in a single line it should be. - Function overloads should be avoided. They are only causing problems. - If a primitive function would cause a overload then a rename should try to add a shortened primitive name in it. If that destroys the naming flow then a cut version name. If that does not work a new rule has to be made up. Example: "get -> getInt" while "removeIf => removeIfInt" does not work so we default to "removeIf => remIf". - If a function would break the java interface rules (ArrayList.trimToSize) a dedicated interface should be created for it. Rules can be added or altered, but should only be so if there is a real reason to be present.