# Changelog of versions ### Version 0.3.4 - Fixed: ArrayLists didn't resize properly if they were empty. ### Version 0.3.3 - Added: Flat/Mapping function for Iterables/Iterators to help avoid streams for cleaner looking code - Fixed: AVLTrees pollFirst/Last is now keeping orders and is fixed - Fixed: AbstractCollection bulk adding methods now link to the specialized implementations. - Fixed: A bug with getElements in ArrayList. - Fixed: PriorityQueue remove/toArray function were renamed so they fit better with other interfaces. (remove => removeFirst and toArray uses a different genericType) - Added: LinkedList which is a List/PriorityDequeue/Stack which allows for more optimized use-cases and reduced boxing/unboxing. - Added: Tests for LinkedList ### Version 0.3.2 - Fixed: Map.put wasn't referring to primitive variants. - Added: ImmutableList. - Added: Iterator pour function into a List or Array - Changed: Arrays Wrap is now accessible to Objects and now is ? extends TYPE instead of TYPE. - Added: OpenHashSets now implement foreach and have less overhead. - Added: ImmutableOpenHashSet that is not editable (is linked by default for fast iteration) - Added: CustomOpenHashSets now implement foreach and have less overhead. - Added: ImmutableOpenHashMap that is not editable (is linked by default for fast iteration) - Added: Maps can now be created through the interface. - Fixed: Lists.addElements(T...elements) was adding elements at the beginning of a list instead of the end. - Fixed: Bugs with the AVLTreeSet. And marked bugs with AVLTreeX that are still present. ### Version 0.3.1 - Fixed: containsKey & containsValue in HashMaps were deprecated for Object Variants. - Fixed: HashMap wasn't deleting Keys & Values references when removing a Object - Fixed: AVLTreeMap didn't balance properly. - Changed: EnumMap no longer tries to access SharedSecrets since its gone in java11 - Added: HashMaps now implement ITrimmable - Added: AVLTreeSet didn't balance properly - Fixed: HashMaps & LinkedMaps weren't clearing references properly. ### Version 0.3.0 (Breaking 0.2.0) - Added: Stack.isEmpty was missing - Changed: remove/removeLast/enqueue/enqueueFirst no longer use Type Suffixes - Removed: Suffixes for unmodifiable & synchronize functions. - Changed: Primitive Stacks no longer depend on the base Stack class. Because seriously not needed. - Changed: PriorityQueues no longer extends Object Variant. - Changed: Maps.get function is no longer using Suffixes unless its absolutely necessary. - Changed: Maps.remove function is no longer using Suffixes unless its absolutely necessary. - Changed: ObjectList methods are no longer marked Deprecated even so it was for primitive ones. - Added: Shuffle & Reverse Methods. - Added: Concat Iterators. - Added: PriorityQueues