package speiger.src.coreengine.rendering.gui.components; import speiger.src.coreengine.rendering.gui.GuiComponent; import speiger.src.coreengine.rendering.gui.helper.Align; import speiger.src.coreengine.rendering.gui.helper.constrains.Constraints; import speiger.src.coreengine.rendering.gui.helper.constrains.ParentConstrain; public class TabbedWindowComponent extends WindowComponent { public TabbedWindowComponent(float x, float y, float width, float height) { super(x, y, width, height, DEFAULT_FLAGS, "Test"); } @Override public void init() { super.init(); addChild(new Tab("Testing My theory with the full lenght text"), null, null, new ParentConstrain(), null); } public static class Tab extends GuiComponent { String name; boolean closeable; TextComponent comp; public Tab(String name) { super(0F, 7F, 100F, 10F); = name; comp = new TextComponent(name).setTextScale(0.4F).singleLine(true).horizontal(Align.LEFT_TOP); } @Override public void init() { addChild(comp, Constraints.getParentConstrains()); } @Override protected void repaint() { String s = name; float scale = comp.getTextScale(); float width = getFont().width(s)*scale; float desiredWidth = getBox().getBaseWidth(); if(width > desiredWidth) { while(getFont().width(s+"...") * scale > desiredWidth) { s = s.substring(0, s.length()-1); } comp.setText(s+"..."); return; } comp.setText(s); } } }