-Added: JavaDoc for Map Interfaces.
-Added: JavaDoc for Abstract Map/Collection/Set
-Added: Ignore JavaDoc for tests/builder code.
-Added: More JavaDoc for Arrays.
-Added: Tests for all map implementations.
-Added: Missing Map Constructors.
-Fixed: Bugs with Maps & Sets.
-Fixed: Gradle Java Container.
-Fixed: Some javadoc stuff.
-Note: SubMap/List implementation are not really well tested and most likely buggy
-Changed: set JavaDoc to be quiet for now. Later goal.
-Added: Eclipse Plugin in gradle
-Refactored: KEY & VALUE conversions got refactored a bit to be more consistend and more useable. (It's not perfect)
-Added: AbstractMap
-Added: Tests for IntSortedSet, IntNavigableSet.
-Added: Test Classes for: Open/Custom/Linked HashSet, TreeSets, ArraySet
-Changed: MemFreeMergeSort got improved by a lot.
-Fixed: Bugs that the tests uncovered.
-Note: TreeSets still have issues. But every other collection type is fixed.
-Fixed: bugs in ArrayList implementation.
-Added: Unit Tests for the following interfaces: Iterable/Collection/List
-Added: ArrayList Test
-Fixed: QuickSort was broken.
-Added: Shuffle method.
-Added: Shared random to SanityChecks
-Added: Empty/Synchronized/Unmodifiable Collections/Lists/Iterators
-Changed: ObjectCollections now have more bulk Methods
-Added: IArray for functions that would only apply to arrays.
-Changed: Build Task no longer Sync's because it is 9x slower and a File Builder never collides with another File Builder.
-Added: getEquals() function for faster compare builders.
-Changed: getNonClassType to getNonFileType()
-Added: New Rule to the Rule Sheet.
-Added: Regex Helper so recursion is supported
-Added: FunctionMapper that supports more then 1 argument.
-Changed: Injection & FunctionMapper support recursion-
-Added: Loads of Variables to the GlobalVariables as they were added for templates.
-Added: AbstractCollection, AbstractList, List, ListIterator, BidirectionalIterator, Arrays and ArrayList template.
- Added: Iterator
- Added: Iterable
- Fixed: Simple Mapper is always literal.
- Fixed: Conusmer bugs.
- Changed: Path designer is now a function.
- Removed: Cache from the repo. Not needed.