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package speiger.src.collections.PACKAGE.utils;
import java.util.Iterator;
import speiger.src.collections.PACKAGE.collections.ITERATOR;
import speiger.src.collections.PACKAGE.lists.LIST_ITERATOR;
import speiger.src.collections.PACKAGE.collections.BI_ITERATOR;
* A Helper class for Iterators
public class ITERATORS
public static final EmptyIterator NO_GENERIC_TYPE EMPTY = new EmptyIteratorBRACES();
* Returns a Immutable EmptyIterator instance that is automatically casted.
* @return an empty iterator
public static GENERIC_BRACES EmptyIterator KEY_GENERIC_TYPE emptyIterator() {
return (EmptyIterator<KEY_TYPE>)EMPTY;
return EMPTY;
* Returns a Immutable Iterator instance based on the instance given.
* @param l that should be made immutable/unmodifyable
* @return a unmodifiable iterator wrapper. If the Iterator already a unmodifyable wrapper then it just returns itself.
return iterator instanceof UnmodifiableIterator ? iterator : new UnmodifiableIteratorBRACES(iterator);
return iterator instanceof UnmodifiableBiIterator ? iterator : new UnmodifiableBiIteratorBRACES(iterator);
* Returns a Immutable ListIterator instance based on the instance given.
* @param l that should be made immutable/unmodifyable
* @return a unmodifiable listiterator wrapper. If the ListIterator already a unmodifyable wrapper then it just returns itself.
return iterator instanceof UnmodifiableListIterator ? iterator : new UnmodifiableListIteratorBRACES(iterator);
public static ITERATOR wrap(Iterator<CLASS_TYPE> iterator) {
return iterator instanceof ITERATOR ? (ITERATOR)iterator : new IteratorWrapper(iterator);
* Returns a Array Wrapping iterator
* @param a the array that should be wrapped
* @return a Iterator that is wrapping a array.
public static GENERIC_BRACES ArrayIterator KEY_GENERIC_TYPE wrap(KEY_TYPE[] a) {
return wrap(a, 0, a.length);
* Returns a Array Wrapping iterator
* @param a the array that should be wrapped.
* @param start the index to be started from.
* @param end the index that should be ended.
* @return a Iterator that is wrapping a array.
public static GENERIC_BRACES ArrayIterator KEY_GENERIC_TYPE wrap(KEY_TYPE[] a, int start, int end) {
return new ArrayIteratorBRACES(a, start, end);
* Iterates over a iterator and inserts the values into the array and returns the amount that was inserted
* @param a where the elements should be inserted
* @param i the source iterator
* @return the amount of elements that were inserted into the array.
public static GENERIC_BRACES int unwrap(KEY_TYPE[] a, Iterator<? extends CLASS_TYPE> i) {
return unwrap(a, i, 0, a.length);
* Iterates over a iterator and inserts the values into the array and returns the amount that was inserted
* @param a where the elements should be inserted
* @param i the source iterator
* @param offset the array offset where the start should be
* @return the amount of elements that were inserted into the array.
public static GENERIC_BRACES int unwrap(KEY_TYPE[] a, Iterator<? extends CLASS_TYPE> i, int offset) {
return unwrap(a, i, offset, a.length - offset);
* Iterates over a iterator and inserts the values into the array and returns the amount that was inserted
* @param a where the elements should be inserted
* @param i the source iterator
* @param offset the array offset where the start should be
* @param max the maximum values that should be extracted from the source
* @return the amount of elements that were inserted into the array.
* @throws IllegalStateException if max is smaller the 0 or if the maximum index is larger then the array
public static GENERIC_BRACES int unwrap(KEY_TYPE[] a, Iterator<? extends CLASS_TYPE> i, int offset, int max) {
if(max < 0) throw new IllegalStateException("The max size is smaller then 0");
if(offset + max >= a.length) throw new IllegalStateException("largest array index exceeds array size");
int index = 0;
for(;index<max && i.hasNext();index++) a[index+offset] = OBJ_TO_KEY(;
return index;
* A Primitive iterator variant of the {@link #unwrap(KEY_TYPE[], Iterator)} function
* Iterates over a iterator and inserts the values into the array and returns the amount that was inserted
* @param a where the elements should be inserted
* @param i the source iterator
* @return the amount of elements that were inserted into the array.
public static GENERIC_BRACES int unwrap(KEY_TYPE[] a, ITERATOR KEY_GENERIC_TYPE i) {
return unwrap(a, i, 0, a.length);
* A Primitive iterator variant of the {@link #unwrap(KEY_TYPE[], Iterator, int)} function
* Iterates over a iterator and inserts the values into the array and returns the amount that was inserted
* @param a where the elements should be inserted
* @param i the source iterator
* @param offset the array offset where the start should be
* @return the amount of elements that were inserted into the array.
public static GENERIC_BRACES int unwrap(KEY_TYPE[] a, ITERATOR KEY_GENERIC_TYPE i, int offset) {
return unwrap(a, i, offset, a.length - offset);
* A Primitive iterator variant of the {@link #unwrap(KEY_TYPE[], Iterator, int, int)} function
* Iterates over a iterator and inserts the values into the array and returns the amount that was inserted
* @param a where the elements should be inserted
* @param i the source iterator
* @param offset the array offset where the start should be
* @param max the maximum values that should be extracted from the source
* @return the amount of elements that were inserted into the array.
* @throws IllegalStateException if max is smaller the 0 or if the maximum index is larger then the array
public static GENERIC_BRACES int unwrap(KEY_TYPE[] a, ITERATOR KEY_GENERIC_TYPE i, int offset, int max) {
if(max < 0) throw new IllegalStateException("The max size is smaller then 0");
if(offset + max >= a.length) throw new IllegalStateException("largest array index exceeds array size");
int index = 0;
for(;index<max && i.hasNext();index++) a[index+offset] = i.NEXT();
return index;
* A Function to convert a Primitive Iterator to a Object array.
* Iterates over a iterator and inserts the values into the array and returns the amount that was inserted
* @param a where the elements should be inserted
* @param i the source iterator
* @return the amount of elements that were inserted into the array.
return unwrap(a, i, 0, a.length);
* A Function to convert a Primitive Iterator to a Object array.
* Iterates over a iterator and inserts the values into the array and returns the amount that was inserted
* @param a where the elements should be inserted
* @param i the source iterator
* @param offset the array offset where the start should be
* @return the amount of elements that were inserted into the array.
public static GENERIC_BRACES int unwrap(CLASS_TYPE[] a, ITERATOR KEY_GENERIC_TYPE i, int offset) {
return unwrap(a, i, offset, a.length - offset);
* A Function to convert a Primitive Iterator to a Object array.
* Iterates over a iterator and inserts the values into the array and returns the amount that was inserted
* @param a where the elements should be inserted
* @param i the source iterator
* @param offset the array offset where the start should be
* @param max the maximum values that should be extracted from the source
* @return the amount of elements that were inserted into the array.
* @throws IllegalStateException if max is smaller the 0 or if the maximum index is larger then the array
public static GENERIC_BRACES int unwrap(CLASS_TYPE[] a, ITERATOR KEY_GENERIC_TYPE i, int offset, int max) {
if(max < 0) throw new IllegalStateException("The max size is smaller then 0");
if(offset + max >= a.length) throw new IllegalStateException("largest array index exceeds array size");
int index = 0;
for(;index<max && i.hasNext();index++) a[index+offset] = KEY_TO_OBJ(i.NEXT());
return index;
private static class IteratorWrapper implements ITERATOR
Iterator<CLASS_TYPE> iter;
public IteratorWrapper(Iterator<CLASS_TYPE> iter) {
this.iter = iter;
public boolean hasNext() {
return iter.hasNext();
public KEY_TYPE NEXT() {
return OBJ_TO_KEY(;
public CLASS_TYPE next() {
private static class UnmodifiableListIterator KEY_GENERIC_TYPE implements LIST_ITERATOR KEY_GENERIC_TYPE
UnmodifiableListIterator(LIST_ITERATOR KEY_GENERIC_TYPE iter) {
this.iter = iter;
public boolean hasNext() {
return iter.hasNext();
public boolean hasPrevious() {
return iter.hasPrevious();
public int nextIndex() {
return iter.nextIndex();
public int previousIndex() {
return iter.previousIndex();
public void remove() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); }
return iter.PREVIOUS();
public KEY_TYPE NEXT() {
return iter.NEXT();
public void set(KEY_TYPE e) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); }
public void add(KEY_TYPE e) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); }
private static class UnmodifiableBiIterator KEY_GENERIC_TYPE implements BI_ITERATOR KEY_GENERIC_TYPE
UnmodifiableBiIterator(BI_ITERATOR KEY_GENERIC_TYPE iter) {
this.iter = iter;
public KEY_TYPE NEXT() {
return iter.NEXT();
public boolean hasNext() {
return iter.hasNext();
public boolean hasPrevious() {
return iter.hasPrevious();
return iter.PREVIOUS();
private static class UnmodifiableIterator KEY_GENERIC_TYPE implements ITERATOR KEY_GENERIC_TYPE
UnmodifiableIterator(ITERATOR KEY_GENERIC_TYPE iterator) {
this.iterator = iterator;
public boolean hasNext() {
return iterator.hasNext();
public KEY_TYPE NEXT() {
return iterator.NEXT();
private static class EmptyIterator KEY_GENERIC_TYPE implements LIST_ITERATOR KEY_GENERIC_TYPE
public boolean hasNext() {
return false;
public KEY_TYPE NEXT() {
public boolean hasPrevious() {
return false;
public int nextIndex() {
return 0;
public int previousIndex() {
return 0;
public void remove() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); }
public void set(KEY_TYPE e) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); }
public void add(KEY_TYPE e) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); }
private static class ArrayIterator KEY_GENERIC_TYPE implements ITERATOR KEY_GENERIC_TYPE
int from;
int to;
ArrayIterator(KEY_TYPE[] a, int from, int to) {
this.a = a;
this.from = from; = to;
public boolean hasNext() {
return from < to;
public KEY_TYPE NEXT() {
return a[from++];
public int skip(int amount) {
if(amount < 0) throw new IllegalStateException("Negative Numbers are not allowed");
int left = Math.min(amount, to - from);
from += left;
return amount - left;