- Added: OrderedMap/Set
- Added: All Relevant functions into Ordered interface
- Changed: Marked all Relevant SortedMap/Set functions Deprecated until
- Fixed: All code that was relevant to this
- Fixed: Bugs with Queues starting with the wrong size
- Fixed: ArrayGrowth for Queues was +1 instead of +50%
- Added: Benchmarks with java and FastUtil
Maps are sadly not possible. It will require writing templates for
permutations effectively copying guavas Test library.
So this will take a lot longer
-Added: Tests for Lists and Sets.
-Fixed: SubLists are now stable (they weren't before)
-Fixed: All the bugs that the unit tests found so far.
-Updated: ReadMe/Changelog
- Fixed: ImmutableMaps issues thanks to the tests. Roughly the same as
the rest of the maps
- Fixed: RB/AVLTreeMaps issues. Roughly the same as the rest of the maps
- Added: Guava TestSuit
- Fixed: HashCode and toString method would crash if the Object
Key/Value was null
- Added: AbstractTypeCollection now delegates the contains check to
type-specific Collections if it detects it.
- Fixed: Map.Entry toString wasn't writing values not like it should do.
- Fixed: Set.hashCode now is the sum of the elements instead of a Unique
HashCode based on the elements.
- Fixed: Added missing NonNull Checks.
- Fixed: OpenHashMap.containsValue implementation was wrong.
- Fixed: OpenHashMap.compute/present/absent now works how it is
specified in the Java Documentation
- Fixed: OpenHashMap.merge/BulkMerge now works how it is specified in
the Java Documentation
- Fixed: OpenHashMap.keySet.remove was causing a infinite loop.
- Fixed: OpenHashMap.mapIterator now no longer crashes in certain cases.