
960 B

Primitive-Collections (To be Renamed)

This is a Simple Primitive Collections Library i started as a hobby Project.
It is based on Java's Collection Library and FastUtil.
But its focus is a different one.

Main Features:
ArraysList, HashSet/Map (Linked & HashControl), TreeSet/Map (RB & AVL), Priority Queue.


Project is currently not buildable due to certain design flaws that are being redone,
but the SourceCode can be already generated via: /gradlew.bat generateSource
which will generate all the files and they shouldn't generate any errors.

Current Problem:
EnumMaps use sun.misc package.
Some methods are ambiguous and need to be adjusted.
Some overhauls or missing implementations have to be added. (A couple passes)
But technically Lists/Sets/PriorityQueues are fully usable, Maps are untested and just recently added.

Documentation & Tests are going to be added very soon.