ColorObject is now color Utils. no longer object wrapping.
This commit is contained in:
@ -66,5 +66,5 @@ dependencies {
compile ''
//Primitive Collections
compile 'de.speiger:Primitive-Collections:0.4.5'
compile 'de.speiger:Primitive-Collections:0.6.0'
Binary file not shown.
@ -1,391 +0,0 @@
package speiger.src.coreengine.math.misc;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.FloatBuffer;
import speiger.src.collections.floats.lists.FloatList;
public class ColorObject
static final float DEVIDER = 1F / 255F;
public static final int R = 0xFF << 16;
public static final int G = 0xFF << 8;
public static final int B = 0xFF;
public static final int A = 0xFF << 24;
public static final long SIGN = 0x00000000FFFFFFFFL;
static final int ALL = 0xFFFFFFFF;
public static final ColorObject WHITE = new ColorObject(255, 255, 255);
public static final ColorObject LIGHT_GRAY = new ColorObject(192, 192, 192);
public static final ColorObject GRAY = new ColorObject(128, 128, 128);
public static final ColorObject DARK_GRAY = new ColorObject(64, 64, 64);
public static final ColorObject BLACK = new ColorObject(0, 0, 0);
public static final ColorObject RED = new ColorObject(255, 0, 0);
public static final ColorObject PINK = new ColorObject(255, 175, 175);
public static final ColorObject PURPLE = new ColorObject(106, 13, 173);
public static final ColorObject ORANGE = new ColorObject(255, 200, 0);
public static final ColorObject YELLOW = new ColorObject(255, 255, 0);
public static final ColorObject GREEN = new ColorObject(0, 255, 0);
public static final ColorObject DARK_GREEN = new ColorObject(7, 161, 0);
public static final ColorObject MAGENTA = new ColorObject(255, 0, 255);
public static final ColorObject CYAN = new ColorObject(0, 255, 255);
public static final ColorObject BLUE = new ColorObject(0, 0, 255);
public static final ColorObject LIGHT_BLUE = new ColorObject(0, 150, 255);
//Specialized Components that get reused
public static final ColorObject INVISIBLE = new ColorObject(0, 0, 0, 0);
public static final ColorObject TEXT_DEFAULT_BACKGROUND = new ColorObject(80, 80, 80, 144);
public static final ColorObject WINDOW_DEFAULT_BACKGROUND = new ColorObject(64, 64, 64, 128);
public static final ColorObject POPUP_DEFAULT_BACKGROUND = new ColorObject(85, 85, 85);
public static final ColorObject DESTRUCTION = new ColorObject(255, 0, 0, 128);
int rgba;
public ColorObject(int rgba)
this.rgba = rgba;
public ColorObject(int r, int g, int b)
rgba = A | ((r & 0xFF) << 16) | ((g & 0xFF) << 8) | (b & 0xFF);
public ColorObject(int r, int g, int b, int a)
rgba = ((a & 0xFF) << 24) | ((r & 0xFF) << 16) | ((g & 0xFF) << 8) | (b & 0xFF);
public static ColorObject rgb(int rgb)
return new ColorObject(rgb | (255 << 24));
public ColorObject copy()
return new ColorObject(rgba);
public ColorObject setRGB(int rgba)
this.rgba = rgba;
return this;
public ColorObject setRed(int r)
rgba = rgba & ~R | ((r & 0xFF) << 16);
return this;
public ColorObject setGreen(int g)
rgba = rgba & ~G | ((g & 0xFF) << 8);
return this;
public ColorObject setBlue(int b)
rgba = rgba & ~B | (b & 0xFF);
return this;
public ColorObject setAlpha(int a)
rgba = rgba & ~A | ((a & 0xFF) << 24);
return this;
public ColorObject setRed(float r)
return setRed((int)(r * 255F + 0.5F));
public ColorObject setGreen(float g)
return setGreen((int)(g * 255F + 0.5F));
public ColorObject setBlue(float b)
return setBlue((int)(b * 255F + 0.5F));
public ColorObject setAlpha(float a)
return setAlpha((int)(a * 255F + 0.5F));
public ColorObject setRGB(float hue, float brightness, float saturation, int alpha)
return setRGB(Color.HSBtoRGB(hue, saturation, brightness) | alpha << 24);
public int getRGB()
return rgba;
public int getRed()
return (rgba >> 16) & 0xFF;
public int getGreen()
return (rgba >> 8) & 0xFF;
public int getBlue()
return rgba & 0xFF;
public int getAlpha()
return (rgba >> 24) & 0xFF;
public float getRedFloat()
return ((rgba >> 16) & 0xFF) * DEVIDER;
public float getGreenFloat()
return ((rgba >> 8) & 0xFF) * DEVIDER;
public float getBlueFloat()
return (rgba & 0xFF) * DEVIDER;
public float getAlphaFloat()
return ((rgba >> 24) & 0xFF) * DEVIDER;
public String getHexCode(boolean alpha)
return "0x"+(alpha ? Long.toHexString(1 << 32 | rgba & SIGN) : Integer.toHexString((1 << 24) | (rgba & ~A))).substring(1);
public String getHTMLCode(boolean alpha)
return "#"+(alpha ? Long.toHexString(1 << 32 | rgba & SIGN) : Integer.toHexString((1 << 24) | (rgba & ~A))).substring(1);
public boolean needsDarkColor()
return getBrightness() >= 130;
public int getBrightness()
return getBrightness(rgba);
public Color toColor()
return new Color(rgba);
public float[] toHue()
return Color.RGBtoHSB(getRed(), getGreen(), getBlue(), new float[3]);
public ColorObject brighter()
return brighter(0.7F);
public ColorObject brighter(float factor)
rgba = brighter(rgba, factor);
return this;
public ColorObject darker()
return darker(0.7F);
public ColorObject darker(float factor)
rgba = darker(rgba, factor);
return this;
public ColorObject mix(ColorObject to, float factor)
rgba = mix(rgba, to.rgba, factor);
return this;
public ColorObject mix(ColorObject from, ColorObject to, float factor)
rgba = mix(from.rgba, to.rgba, factor);
return this;
public ColorObject write(FloatBuffer buffer, boolean alpha)
return this;
public ColorObject read(FloatBuffer buffer, boolean alpha)
return this;
public ColorObject write(ByteBuffer buffer, boolean alpha)
pack(rgba, alpha, buffer);
return this;
public ColorObject read(ByteBuffer buffer, boolean alpha)
return this;
public ColorObject write(FloatList buffer, boolean alpha)
return this;
public ColorObject writeFloat(ByteBuffer buffer, boolean alpha)
return this;
public int hashCode()
return rgba;
public boolean equals(Object obj)
if(obj instanceof ColorObject)
return ((ColorObject)obj).rgba == rgba;
return false;
public String toString()
return "Color[r=" + getRed() + ", g=" + getGreen() + ", b=" + getBlue() + ", a=" + getAlpha() + "]";
public String getFloatColor()
return "Color[r=" + getRedFloat() + ", g=" + getGreenFloat() + ", b=" + getBlueFloat() + ", a=" + getAlphaFloat() + "]";
public static byte[] toByteArray(int color, boolean alpha)
byte[] data = new byte[alpha ? 4 : 3];
data[0] = (byte)((color >> 16) & 0xFF);
data[1] = (byte)((color >> 8) & 0xFF);
data[2] = (byte)(color & 0xFF);
if(alpha) data[3] = (byte)((color >> 24) & 0xFF);
return data;
public static void pack(int color, boolean alpha, ByteBuffer buffer)
buffer.put((byte)((color >> 16) & 0xFF)).put((byte)((color >> 8) & 0xFF)).put((byte)(color & 0xFF));
buffer.put((byte)((color >> 24) & 0xFF));
public static void packFloat(int color, boolean alpha, FloatBuffer buffer)
buffer.put(((color >> 16) & 0xFF) * DEVIDER).put(((color >> 8) & 0xFF) * DEVIDER).put((color & 0xFF) * DEVIDER);
buffer.put(((color >> 24) & 0xFF) * DEVIDER);
public static int getBrightness(int rgba)
return getBrightness((rgba >> 16) & 0xFF, (rgba >> 8) & 0xFF, rgba & 0xFF);
public static int getBrightness(int r, int g, int b)
return (int)Math.sqrt((r * r * 0.241F) + (g * g * 0.691F) + (b * b * 0.068F));
public static int mix(int from, int to, float factor)
float weight0 = (1F - factor);
float weight1 = factor;
int r = (int)((((from >> 16) & 0xFF) * weight0) + (((to >> 16) & 0xFF) * weight1));
int g = (int)((((from >> 8) & 0xFF) * weight0) + (((to >> 8) & 0xFF) * weight1));
int b = (int)(((from & 0xFF) * weight0) + ((to & 0xFF) * weight1));
int a = (int)((((from >> 24) & 0xFF) * weight0) + (((to >> 24) & 0xFF) * weight1));
return ((a & 0xFF) << 24) | ((r & 0xFF) << 16) | ((g & 0xFF) << 8) | b & 0xFF;
public static int darker(int color, float factor)
int r = Math.max(0, (int)(((color >> 16) & 0xFF) * factor));
int g = Math.max(0, (int)(((color >> 8) & 0xFF) * factor));
int b = Math.max(0, (int)((color & 0xFF) * factor));
return (color & A) | ((r & 0xFF) << 16) | ((g & 0xFF) << 8) | (b & 0xFF);
public static int brighter(int color, float factor)
int r = (color >> 16) & 0xFF;
int g = (color >> 8) & 0xFF;
int b = color & 0xFF;
int i = (int)(1.0 / (1.0 - factor));
if(r == 0 && g == 0 && b == 0)
return (color & A) | ((i & 0xFF) << 16) | ((i & 0xFF) << 8) | (i & 0xFF);
if(r > 0 && r < i) r = i;
if(g > 0 && g < i) g = i;
if(b > 0 && b < i) b = i;
return (color & A) | Math.min(255, (int)(r / factor)) << 16 | Math.min(255, (int)(g / factor)) << 8 | Math.min(255, (int)(b / factor));
@ -0,0 +1,374 @@
package speiger.src.coreengine.math.misc;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.FloatBuffer;
import speiger.src.collections.floats.lists.FloatList;
import speiger.src.coreengine.math.MathUtils;
public class ColorUtils
static final float DEVIDER = 1F / 255F;
public static final int R = 0xFF << 16;
public static final int G = 0xFF << 8;
public static final int B = 0xFF;
public static final int A = 0xFF << 24;
public static final long SIGN = 0x00000000FFFFFFFFL;
static final int ALL = 0xFFFFFFFF;
public static final int WHITE = rgb(255, 255, 255);
public static final int LIGHT_GRAY = rgb(192, 192, 192);
public static final int GRAY = rgb(128, 128, 128);
public static final int DARK_GRAY = rgb(64, 64, 64);
public static final int BLACK = rgb(0, 0, 0);
public static final int RED = rgb(255, 0, 0);
public static final int PINK = rgb(255, 175, 175);
public static final int PURPLE = rgb(106, 13, 173);
public static final int ORANGE = rgb(255, 200, 0);
public static final int YELLOW = rgb(255, 255, 0);
public static final int GREEN = rgb(0, 255, 0);
public static final int DARK_GREEN = rgb(7, 161, 0);
public static final int MAGENTA = rgb(255, 0, 255);
public static final int CYAN = rgb(0, 255, 255);
public static final int BLUE = rgb(0, 0, 255);
public static final int LIGHT_BLUE = rgb(0, 150, 255);
//Specialized Components that get reused
public static final int INVISIBLE = rgb(0, 0, 0, 0);
public static final int TEXT_DEFAULT_BACKGROUND = rgb(80, 80, 80, 144);
public static final int WINDOW_DEFAULT_BACKGROUND = rgb(64, 64, 64, 128);
public static final int POPUP_DEFAULT_BACKGROUND = rgb(85, 85, 85);
public static final int DESTRUCTION = rgb(255, 0, 0, 128);
public static byte[] toByteArray(int color, boolean alpha)
byte[] data = new byte[alpha ? 4 : 3];
data[0] = (byte)((color >> 16) & 0xFF);
data[1] = (byte)((color >> 8) & 0xFF);
data[2] = (byte)(color & 0xFF);
if(alpha) data[3] = (byte)((color >> 24) & 0xFF);
return data;
public static void write(int color, boolean alpha, ByteBuffer buffer)
buffer.put((byte)((color >> 16) & 0xFF)).put((byte)((color >> 8) & 0xFF)).put((byte)(color & 0xFF));
buffer.put((byte)((color >> 24) & 0xFF));
public static void write(int index, int color, boolean alpha, ByteBuffer buffer)
buffer.put(index, (byte)((color >> 16) & 0xFF)).put(index + 1, (byte)((color >> 8) & 0xFF)).put(index + 2, (byte)(color & 0xFF));
buffer.put(index + 3, (byte)((color >> 24) & 0xFF));
public static void writeFloat(int color, boolean alpha, ByteBuffer buffer)
buffer.putFloat(((color >> 16) & 0xFF) * DEVIDER).putFloat(((color >> 8) & 0xFF) * DEVIDER).putFloat((color & 0xFF) * DEVIDER);
buffer.putFloat(((color >> 24) & 0xFF) * DEVIDER);
public static void writeFloat(int index, int color, boolean alpha, ByteBuffer buffer)
buffer.putFloat(index, ((color >> 16) & 0xFF) * DEVIDER).putFloat(index + 1, ((color >> 8) & 0xFF) * DEVIDER).putFloat(index + 2, (color & 0xFF) * DEVIDER);
buffer.putFloat(index + 3, ((color >> 24) & 0xFF) * DEVIDER);
public static void write(int color, boolean alpha, FloatBuffer buffer)
buffer.put(((color >> 16) & 0xFF) * DEVIDER).put(((color >> 8) & 0xFF) * DEVIDER).put((color & 0xFF) * DEVIDER);
buffer.put(((color >> 24) & 0xFF) * DEVIDER);
public static void write(int index, int color, boolean alpha, FloatBuffer buffer)
buffer.put(index, ((color >> 16) & 0xFF) * DEVIDER).put(index + 1, ((color >> 8) & 0xFF) * DEVIDER).put(index + 2, (color & 0xFF) * DEVIDER);
buffer.put(index + 3, ((color >> 24) & 0xFF) * DEVIDER);
public static void write(int color, boolean alpha, FloatList list)
list.add(((color >> 16) & 0xFF) * DEVIDER);
list.add(((color >> 8) & 0xFF) * DEVIDER);
list.add((color & 0xFF) * DEVIDER);
list.add(((color >> 24) & 0xFF) * DEVIDER);
public static int read(ByteBuffer buffer, boolean alpha)
return alpha ? rgb(buffer.get(), buffer.get(), buffer.get()) : rgb(buffer.get(), buffer.get(), buffer.get(), buffer.get());
public static int read(ByteBuffer buffer, int index, boolean alpha)
return alpha ? rgb(buffer.get(index), buffer.get(index+1), buffer.get(index+2)) : rgb(buffer.get(index), buffer.get(index+1), buffer.get(index+2), buffer.get(index+3));
public static int readFloat(ByteBuffer buffer, boolean alpha)
return alpha ? rgb(buffer.getFloat(), buffer.getFloat(), buffer.getFloat()) : rgb(buffer.getFloat(), buffer.getFloat(), buffer.getFloat(), buffer.getFloat());
public static int readFloat(ByteBuffer buffer, int index, boolean alpha)
return alpha ? rgb(buffer.getFloat(index), buffer.getFloat(index+1), buffer.getFloat(index+2)) : rgb(buffer.getFloat(index), buffer.getFloat(index+1), buffer.getFloat(index+2), buffer.getFloat(index+3));
public static int read(FloatBuffer buffer, boolean alpha)
return alpha ? rgb(buffer.get(), buffer.get(), buffer.get()) : rgb(buffer.get(), buffer.get(), buffer.get(), buffer.get());
public static int read(FloatBuffer buffer, int index, boolean alpha)
return alpha ? rgb(buffer.get(index), buffer.get(index+1), buffer.get(index+2)) : rgb(buffer.get(index), buffer.get(index+1), buffer.get(index+2), buffer.get(index+3));
public static boolean needsDarkColor(int rgba)
return getBrightness(rgba) >= 130;
public static int getBrightness(int rgba)
return getBrightness((rgba >> 16) & 0xFF, (rgba >> 8) & 0xFF, rgba & 0xFF);
public static int getBrightness(int r, int g, int b)
return (int)Math.sqrt((r * r * 0.241F) + (g * g * 0.691F) + (b * b * 0.068F));
public static int mix(int from, int to, float factor)
float weight0 = (1F - factor);
float weight1 = factor;
int r = (int)((((from >> 16) & 0xFF) * weight0) + (((to >> 16) & 0xFF) * weight1));
int g = (int)((((from >> 8) & 0xFF) * weight0) + (((to >> 8) & 0xFF) * weight1));
int b = (int)(((from & 0xFF) * weight0) + ((to & 0xFF) * weight1));
int a = (int)((((from >> 24) & 0xFF) * weight0) + (((to >> 24) & 0xFF) * weight1));
return ((a & 0xFF) << 24) | ((r & 0xFF) << 16) | ((g & 0xFF) << 8) | b & 0xFF;
public static int darker(int color)
return darker(color, 0.7F);
public static int darker(int color, float factor)
int r = Math.max(0, (int)(((color >> 16) & 0xFF) * factor));
int g = Math.max(0, (int)(((color >> 8) & 0xFF) * factor));
int b = Math.max(0, (int)((color & 0xFF) * factor));
return (color & A) | ((r & 0xFF) << 16) | ((g & 0xFF) << 8) | (b & 0xFF);
public static int brighter(int color)
return brighter(color, 0.7F);
public static int brighter(int color, float factor)
int r = (color >> 16) & 0xFF;
int g = (color >> 8) & 0xFF;
int b = color & 0xFF;
int i = (int)(1.0 / (1.0 - factor));
if(r == 0 && g == 0 && b == 0)
return (color & A) | ((i & 0xFF) << 16) | ((i & 0xFF) << 8) | (i & 0xFF);
if(r > 0 && r < i) r = i;
if(g > 0 && g < i) g = i;
if(b > 0 && b < i) b = i;
return (color & A) | Math.min(255, (int)(r / factor)) << 16 | Math.min(255, (int)(g / factor)) << 8 | Math.min(255, (int)(b / factor));
public static int toRGB(float hue, float saturation, float brightness)
if (saturation == 0)
int result = (int)(brightness * 255F + 0.5F);
return rgb(result, result, result);
float h = (hue - MathUtils.floor(hue)) * 6F;
float f = h - MathUtils.floor(h);
float p = brightness * (1F - saturation);
float q = brightness * (1F - saturation * f);
float t = brightness * (1F - (saturation * (1F - f)));
switch ((int)h) {
case 0: return rgb(brightness, t, p);
case 1: return rgb(q, brightness, p);
case 2: return rgb(p, brightness, t);
case 3: return rgb(p, q, brightness);
case 4: return rgb(t, p, brightness);
case 5: return rgb(brightness, p, q);
default: return BLACK;
public static float[] toHue(int rgba)
int r = getR(rgba);
int g = getG(rgba);
int b = getB(rgba);
int cmax = (r > g) ? r : g;
if (b > cmax) cmax = b;
int cmin = (r < g) ? r : g;
if (b < cmin) cmin = b;
float length = cmax - cmin;
float[] result = new float[3];
result[1] = cmax == 0 ? 0F : length / cmax;
result[2] = cmax * DEVIDER;
float hue = 0F;
if(result[1] != 0F) {
float redc = (cmax - r) / length;
float greenc = (cmax - g) / length;
float bluec = (cmax - b) / length;
if (r == cmax) hue = bluec - greenc;
else if (g == cmax) hue = 2F + redc - bluec;
else hue = 4F + greenc - redc;
hue /= 6F;
if (hue < 0) hue += 1F;
result[0] = hue;
return result;
public static int rgb(int rgb)
return rgb | (255 << 24);
public static int rgb(int r, int g, int b)
return A | ((r & 0xFF) << 16) | ((g & 0xFF) << 8) | (b & 0xFF);
public static int rgb(float r, float g, float b)
return rgb((int)(r * 255F + 0.5F), (int)(g * 255F + 0.5F), (int)(b * 255F + 0.5F));
public static int rgb(int r, int g, int b, int a)
return ((a & 0xFF) << 24) | ((r & 0xFF) << 16) | ((g & 0xFF) << 8) | (b & 0xFF);
public static int rgb(float r, float g, float b, float a)
return rgb((int)(r * 255F + 0.5F), (int)(g * 255F + 0.5F), (int)(b * 255F + 0.5F), (int)(b * 255F + 0.5F));
public static int setR(int rgba, int r)
return rgba & ~R | ((r & 0xFF) << 16);
public static int setR(int rgba, float r)
return rgba & ~R | (((int)(r * 255F + 0.5F)) << 16);
public static int setG(int rgba, int g)
return rgba & ~G | ((g & 0xFF) << 8);
public static int setG(int rgba, float g)
return rgba & ~G | (((int)(g * 255F + 0.5F)) << 8);
public static int setB(int rgba, int b)
return rgba & ~B | (b & 0xFF);
public static int setB(int rgba, float b)
return rgba & ~B | ((int)(b * 255F + 0.5F));
public static int setA(int rgba, int a)
return rgba & ~A | ((a & 0xFF) << 24);
public static int setA(int rgba, float a)
return rgba & ~A | (((int)(a * 255F + 0.5F)) << 24);
public static int getR(int rgba)
return (rgba >> 16) & 0xFF;
public static float getRF(int rgba)
return ((rgba >> 16) & 0xFF) * DEVIDER;
public static int getG(int rgba)
return (rgba >> 8) & 0xFF;
public static float getGF(int rgba)
return ((rgba >> 8) & 0xFF) * DEVIDER;
public static int getB(int rgba)
return rgba & 0xFF;
public static float getBF(int rgba)
return (rgba & 0xFF) * DEVIDER;
public static int getA(int rgba)
return (rgba >> 24) & 0xFF;
public static float getAF(int rgba)
return ((rgba >> 24) & 0xFF) * DEVIDER;
public static String getHexCode(int rgba, boolean alpha)
return "0x"+(alpha ? Long.toHexString(1 << 32 | rgba & SIGN) : Integer.toHexString((1 << 24) | (rgba & ~A))).substring(1);
public static String getHTMLCode(int rgba, boolean alpha)
return "#"+(alpha ? Long.toHexString(1 << 32 | rgba & SIGN) : Integer.toHexString((1 << 24) | (rgba & ~A))).substring(1);
@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ public abstract class GuiBase
public <T extends GuiComponent> T centerComponent(T comp)
IGuiBox box = comp.getBox();
comp.setComponentPosition(Align.CENTER.align(width, box.getWidth()), Align.CENTER.align(height, box.getHeight()));
comp.set(Align.CENTER.align(width, box.getWidth()), Align.CENTER.align(height, box.getHeight()));
return comp;
@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ import;
import speiger.src.coreengine.rendering.gui.helper.constrains.ComponentConstrains;
import speiger.src.coreengine.rendering.gui.helper.constrains.Constrain;
import speiger.src.coreengine.rendering.gui.renderer.FontRenderer;
import speiger.src.coreengine.rendering.gui.renderer.IComponentRenderer;
import speiger.src.coreengine.rendering.gui.renderer.UIRenderer;
import speiger.src.coreengine.rendering.input.Keyboard;
@ -96,6 +97,11 @@ public abstract class GuiComponent extends FlagHolder
return owner;
public FontRenderer getFont()
return owner.getFont();
public void calculateActualBounds(float[] area, boolean start)
@ -199,7 +205,7 @@ public abstract class GuiComponent extends FlagHolder
if(binding != null)
@ -320,7 +326,7 @@ public abstract class GuiComponent extends FlagHolder
if(changed && !quiet)
return this;
@ -369,7 +375,7 @@ public abstract class GuiComponent extends FlagHolder
if(getBox().getBaseScale() != value)
return this;
@ -439,7 +445,7 @@ public abstract class GuiComponent extends FlagHolder
private void addBindingTooltip()
tooltips.addComponent(binding.getTooltip(), new TextComponent(0F, 0F, 200F, 0F, "Key: "+ModType.getMods(binding.mod)+BindingType.KEYBOARD.getName(binding.key)).setLimitedHeight(false).setAlignment(Align.LEFT_TOP, Align.LEFT_TOP).setScale(0.5F));
tooltips.addComponent(binding.getTooltip(), new TextComponent(0F, 0F, 200F, 0F, "Key: "+ModType.getMods(binding.mod)+BindingType.KEYBOARD.getName(binding.key)).limitHeight(false).align(Align.LEFT_TOP, Align.LEFT_TOP).setScale(0.5F));
protected boolean onUserKey()
@ -454,7 +460,7 @@ public abstract class GuiComponent extends FlagHolder
public <T extends GuiComponent> T setRelativeTo(T component, Align horizontal, Align vertical)
return component.setComponentPosition(box.getMinX() + horizontal.align(box.getWidth(), component.getBox().getWidth()), box.getMinY() + vertical.align(box.getHeight(), component.getBox().getHeight())).cast();
return component.set(box.getMinX() + horizontal.align(box.getWidth(), component.getBox().getWidth()), box.getMinY() + vertical.align(box.getHeight(), component.getBox().getHeight())).cast();
public <T extends GuiComponent> T centerComponent(T component)
@ -542,7 +548,7 @@ public abstract class GuiComponent extends FlagHolder
public GuiComponent addTooltip(String s, float width, float height, float scale)
tooltips.addComponent(new TextComponent(0F, 0F, width, height, s).setLimitedHeight(height != 0F).setAlignment(Align.LEFT_TOP, Align.LEFT_TOP).setScale(scale));
tooltips.addComponent(new TextComponent(0F, 0F, width, height, s).limitHeight(height != 0F).align(Align.LEFT_TOP, Align.LEFT_TOP).setScale(scale));
return this;
@ -709,39 +715,39 @@ public abstract class GuiComponent extends FlagHolder
return this;
public GuiComponent moveComponent(float x, float y)
public GuiComponent move(float x, float y)
if(x == 0F && y == 0F || constraints != null) return this;
box.move(x, y);
return this;
public GuiComponent setComponentPosition(float x, float y)
public GuiComponent set(float x, float y)
if(box.getBaseX() == x && box.getBaseY() == y || constraints != null) return this;
box.setXY(x, y);
return this;
public GuiComponent resizeComponent(float moveX, float moveY)
public GuiComponent resize(float moveX, float moveY)
if(moveX == 0F && moveY == 0F || constraints != null) return this;
box.grow(moveX, moveY);
return this;
public GuiComponent setComponentBounds(float width, float height)
public GuiComponent bounds(float width, float height)
if(box.getBaseWidth() == width && box.getBaseHeight() == height || constraints != null) return this;
box.setBounds(width, height);
return this;
public final void onComponentChanged(boolean repaint)
public final void onChanged(boolean repaint)
if(owner == null) return;
@ -771,7 +777,7 @@ public abstract class GuiComponent extends FlagHolder
if(children.isEmpty()) return;
for(GuiComponent comp : children)
@ -785,23 +791,23 @@ public abstract class GuiComponent extends FlagHolder
public final void onFixedUpdate()
public final void fixedUpdate()
if(fixedUpdateSelf()) fixedUpdateChildren();
public final void onUpdate(int mouseX, int mouseY, float particalTicks)
public final void update(int mouseX, int mouseY, float particalTicks)
if(animation != null) animation.update(particalTicks);
if(updateSelf(mouseX, mouseY, particalTicks)) updateChildren(mouseX, mouseY, particalTicks);
protected void onPreRender()
protected void preRender()
public final void onRender(int mouseX, int mouseY, float particalTicks)
public final void render(int mouseX, int mouseY, float particalTicks)
if(customRenderer != null)
@ -813,10 +819,10 @@ public abstract class GuiComponent extends FlagHolder
if(renderSelf(mouseX, mouseY, particalTicks)) renderChildren(mouseX, mouseY, particalTicks);
if(getGui() instanceof GuiScreenBase)
@ -825,7 +831,7 @@ public abstract class GuiComponent extends FlagHolder
protected void onPostRender()
protected void postRender()
@ -869,7 +875,7 @@ public abstract class GuiComponent extends FlagHolder
@ -880,7 +886,7 @@ public abstract class GuiComponent extends FlagHolder
entry.onUpdate(mouseX, mouseY, particalTicks);
entry.update(mouseX, mouseY, particalTicks);
@ -894,9 +900,9 @@ public abstract class GuiComponent extends FlagHolder
float zOffset = entry.getZOffset() + 0.01F;
getRenderer().translate(0F, 0F, zOffset);
entry.onRender(mouseX, mouseY, particalTicks);
entry.render(mouseX, mouseY, particalTicks);
getRenderer().translate(0F, 0F, -zOffset);
@ -11,18 +11,18 @@ import java.util.function.IntToLongFunction;
import speiger.src.collections.ints.maps.impl.hash.Int2ObjectLinkedOpenHashMap;
import speiger.src.collections.ints.maps.impl.hash.Int2ObjectOpenHashMap;
import speiger.src.collections.ints.maps.interfaces.Int2ObjectMap;
import speiger.src.collections.ints.maps.interfaces.Int2ObjectSortedMap;
import speiger.src.collections.ints.maps.interfaces.Int2ObjectOrderedMap;
import speiger.src.collections.ints.sets.IntSet;
import speiger.src.collections.objects.lists.ObjectArrayList;
import speiger.src.collections.objects.maps.impl.hash.Object2BooleanLinkedOpenHashMap;
import speiger.src.collections.objects.maps.impl.hash.Object2ObjectLinkedOpenHashMap;
import speiger.src.collections.objects.maps.interfaces.Object2BooleanSortedMap;
import speiger.src.collections.objects.maps.interfaces.Object2BooleanOrderedMap;
import speiger.src.collections.objects.maps.interfaces.Object2ObjectMap;
import speiger.src.collections.objects.sets.ObjectLinkedOpenHashSet;
import speiger.src.collections.objects.sets.ObjectSortedSet;
import speiger.src.collections.objects.sets.ObjectOrderedSet;
import speiger.src.collections.objects.utils.maps.Object2ObjectMaps;
import speiger.src.coreengine.math.MathUtils;
import speiger.src.coreengine.math.misc.ColorObject;
import speiger.src.coreengine.math.misc.ColorUtils;
import speiger.src.coreengine.rendering.gui.GuiBase;
import speiger.src.coreengine.rendering.gui.GuiComponent;
import speiger.src.coreengine.rendering.gui.components.TooltipPanel;
@ -35,9 +35,9 @@ public class GuiScreenBase extends GuiBase
Int2ObjectMap<GuiComponent> getters = new Int2ObjectOpenHashMap<>();
Set<GuiComponent> components = new ObjectLinkedOpenHashSet<>();
Set<IKeyComponent> keyOrder = new ObjectLinkedOpenHashSet<>();
ObjectSortedSet<GuiComponent> renderOrder = new ObjectLinkedOpenHashSet<>();
Object2BooleanSortedMap<IButtonComponent> buttonOrder = new Object2BooleanLinkedOpenHashMap<>();
Int2ObjectSortedMap<IButtonComponent> selectedButtons = new Int2ObjectLinkedOpenHashMap<>();
ObjectOrderedSet<GuiComponent> renderOrder = new ObjectLinkedOpenHashSet<>();
Object2BooleanOrderedMap<IButtonComponent> buttonOrder = new Object2BooleanLinkedOpenHashMap<>();
Int2ObjectOrderedMap<IButtonComponent> selectedButtons = new Int2ObjectLinkedOpenHashMap<>();
Set<IButtonComponent> draggingButtons = new ObjectLinkedOpenHashSet<>();
TooltipPanel tooltips = new TooltipPanel();
int lastMouseX = -1;
@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ public class GuiScreenBase extends GuiBase
for(GuiComponent entry : components)
@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ public class GuiScreenBase extends GuiBase
@ -176,7 +176,7 @@ public class GuiScreenBase extends GuiBase
entry.onUpdate(mouseX, mouseY, particalTicks);
entry.update(mouseX, mouseY, particalTicks);
@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ public class GuiScreenBase extends GuiBase
float z = base.getZOffset();
boolean layer = base.usesRenderOrder();
render.translate(0.0F, 0.0F, layers + z + (layer ? extra : 0.0F));
base.onRender(mouseX, mouseY, particalTicks);
base.render(mouseX, mouseY, particalTicks);
biggestZ = Math.max(biggestZ, z);
@ -227,9 +227,9 @@ public class GuiScreenBase extends GuiBase
drawsTooltip = true;
tooltips.setComponentPosition(mouseX+tooltips.isOutsideScreen(mouseX, width), mouseY);
tooltips.set(mouseX+tooltips.isOutsideScreen(mouseX, width), mouseY);
render.translate(0.0F, 0.0F, layers + 50F);
tooltips.onRender(mouseX, mouseY, particalTicks);
tooltips.render(mouseX, mouseY, particalTicks);
@ -241,7 +241,7 @@ public class GuiScreenBase extends GuiBase
if(!getUIManager().isRenderUIBoxes()) return;
UIRenderer render = getRenderer();
render.translate(0F, 0F, 100F);
render.drawFrame(comp.getBox(), ColorObject.RED);
render.drawFrame(comp.getBox(), ColorUtils.RED);
render.translate(0F, 0F, -100F);
@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
package speiger.src.coreengine.rendering.gui.components;
import speiger.src.coreengine.math.misc.ColorObject;
import speiger.src.coreengine.rendering.gui.GuiComponent;
import speiger.src.coreengine.rendering.gui.base.IButtonComponent;
import speiger.src.coreengine.rendering.gui.helper.constrains.Constraints;
@ -8,14 +7,14 @@ import speiger.src.coreengine.rendering.gui.helper.constrains.Constraints;
public class ButtonComponent extends GuiComponent implements IButtonComponent
TextComponent text = new TextComponent();
ColorObject color;
int color;
public ButtonComponent(String text, ColorObject color)
public ButtonComponent(String text, int color)
this(0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, text, color);
public ButtonComponent(float x, float y, float width, float height, String text, ColorObject color)
public ButtonComponent(float x, float y, float width, float height, String text, int color)
super(x, y, width, height);
@ -34,7 +33,7 @@ public class ButtonComponent extends GuiComponent implements IButtonComponent
return text;
public ButtonComponent setColor(ColorObject color)
public ButtonComponent setColor(int color)
this.color = color;
return this;
@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
package speiger.src.coreengine.rendering.gui.components;
import speiger.src.coreengine.math.misc.ColorObject;
import speiger.src.coreengine.rendering.gui.GuiComponent;
import speiger.src.coreengine.rendering.gui.base.IButtonComponent;
import speiger.src.coreengine.rendering.gui.components.misc.ICheckBox;
@ -10,31 +9,31 @@ import speiger.src.coreengine.rendering.gui.renderer.buffer.RenderBuffer;
public class CheckBoxComponent extends GuiComponent implements IButtonComponent, ICheckBox<CheckBoxComponent>
boolean isChecked = false;
ColorObject color;
int color;
RenderBuffer buffer;
public CheckBoxComponent(ColorObject color)
public CheckBoxComponent(int color)
super(0F, 0F, 0F, 0F);
this.color = color;
public CheckBoxComponent(ColorObject color, boolean checked)
public CheckBoxComponent(int color, boolean checked)