-Improved: DynamicTexture is now a Interface so STB support can be added.
-Added: UTF-8 Support for font rendering. SingleTexture requirement is still a thing. But that may change later. Most of the requirements are already added.
-Added: ModelLoader/ModelCache into the Engine that handles old and new formats of the Game Engine but can now be used for other stuff too.
-Added: HigherQuality/UTF Supporting font of Roboto-Medium into the engine so it looks a lot better.
-Fixed: A bug within AssetPackages breaking paths.
-Added: STBImage support.
-Added: Dynamic Font Loader that supports Bitmap/TTF fonts (ttf using java not STB, because small deadline)
-Added: NativeMemory Loader as optional parser into asset loading.
-Reworked: How Images are made reloadable.
-Added: A dynamic AtlasBuilder
-Changed: Downgraded from LWJGL 3 Version 3.3.0 to 3.2.4 because of Incompats with Submodules
-Changed: Reworked Asset Providers to use Java-NIO.
-Added: IAsset supports now SubFiles that are related to the main file.
-Fixed: Axises would trigger with Keyboard keys even if the keys were consumed.
-Added: GuiComponents can now be customized by adding custom renderers.
-Changed: TextField now only trigger user action if it can lose focus xD