The idea behind this system is that you can select systems a lot easier.
So if a custom system isn't required it can be disabled and all the
subsystems that require it either get disabled too.
it also allows you to set systems as: Only if they are required. Meaning
if only a specific system is required its dependencies can still load.
-Added: List.indexedIterator which allows you to create a iterator with a customized iteration indecies. Useful if you want to transform lists output.
-Added: PriorityQueue.contains is now a function
-Added: Iterators/Async Builders now support MapToPrimitiveType function on the object variant. So more processing can be done. (Will be expanded upon later versions)
-Updated: SimpleCodeGenerator 1.3.0 is now being used which allows for iterative code support.
- Added: RandomGenerator support (Java17), though requires self
- Added: Optimizations for HashUtils next power of function.
- Added: toArray() now returns a cached empty array if the collection is
- Added: toArray function for AsyncBuilder
- Updated: SCG to version 1.2.2
-Changed: Classes that used Primitive Collections Functions now use Java functions if possible to increase compat.
-Changed: Started that functions go closer to javas naming sceme.
-Added: "Implementations" configuration to turn of all "Implementations" keeping the interfaces/wrappers/abstract classes. Reducing the amount of configurations that need to be set.
-Changed: removed "Sets/Maps/Lists" configuration and replaced it with "Wrappers" since they are wrappers.
-Changed: Category Specific settings (except "Enabled") is sorted by Name.